High Elf Species in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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High Elf

Sea Elf


High Elf

Weapon Skill 2d10+30
Ballistic Skill 2d10+30
Strength 2d10+20
Toughness 2d10+20
Initiative 2d10+40
Agility 2d10+30
Dexterity 2d10+30
Intelligence 2d10+30
Willpower 2d10+30
Fellowship 2d10+20
Wounds SB+(2xTB)+WPB
Fate 0
Resilience 0
Extra Points 2
Movement 5

Starting Skills and Talents

Skills: Cool, Entertain (Sing), Evaluate, Language (Eltharin), Leadership, Melee (Basic), Navigation, Perception, Play (any one), Ranged (Bow), Sail, Swim

Talents: Acute Sense (Vision), Coolheaded or Savvy, Night Vision, Second Sight or Sixth Sense, Read/Write
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
Career/Class Old World
Generic article | Feb 6, 2024

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