Sea Ward

As the wealthiest ward of the city, Sea Ward is the seat of power for the established noble houses. Nearly empty during the winter due to the fierce sea storms, many of the nobles, well-to-do merchants, and social climbers call this home in the summer. Walking along the Street of the Singing Dolphin, the major avenue for the ward, one can expect to spot many of the grandest homes in Waterdeep, from the spires and gables of noble villas to the craggy and mysterious turrets of the wizards' towers. Sea Ward also contains many of the city's temples and Heroes' Garden, the only public garden outside the City of the Dead. Truly important (and self-important) people come to this ward to build their opulent homes while more modest folk or those more entrenched in the everyday politics and power of the city often choose to live in Castle Ward.

As with North Ward, watch patrols are quite frequent as one of the benefits of position. They are always polite and generally lightly armed, as most of the miscreants they find in this ward are well-dressed, drunken nobles who need only to be steered to the next party. The Watch deals swiftly with any other disruptions, their tolerance for any vandalism, violence or theft being quite low.

The boundaries for this district are Julthoon Street and Shield Street, with a small eastern arm extending to the High road along Vondil Street.


Aside from Piergeiron's Palace, you cannot find more finely crafted workmanship than the homes of Sea Ward. While North Ward tends toward pretense, the older, grander villas and temples of this ward have an air of stateliness and majesty (to say nothing of haughtiness). The ward's variety of building details are astounding, from talking tavern signs that wink at customers to three gilded towers that seem braided together. While seeming petty and grasping to outsiders, an address here is not a joking matter, and many Waterdhavians spend their entire lives hoping to get a good address within Sea Ward's boundaries.

Most of the ward's streets are paved in cobbles or corduroy. The nobles insist on getting the rest of the alleys paved, but the Lords' Loyal Order of Street Laborers are under express orders to maintain the existing corduroy roads. They may, however, replace the corduroy by the House of Inspired Hands with cobblestone, as frequent "testings" and explosions have set the log road on fire on multiple occasions.
Blue and gold are the Sea Ward’s colors in competitions, and the ward’s mascot is the sea lion — a fanciful combination of fish and feline.
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