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Adbar Citadel dwarven elders

The dwarven elders of Adbar Citadel dwarven elders are supposed to be the advisors of the King and are taking care of particular topics - similar to ministers of modern governments. The title "Elder" should not be misleading however - the dwarves of the council are amongst the most powerful and prolific people in their society and not some old fool in a wheelchair!   However during the reign of King Harbromm the cleft between king and elders grew larger and larger. With Harbromm set on exterminating as many Orcs as possible and the village elders afraid of a further blood drain away from Citadel Abdar they took the hard decision to take over the government by any means necessary. It is important to note that despite their killing of Harbromm they were not doing this out of malice towards the dwarven citiy or the race but rather because they felt this would save a lot of people lifes. This is also the reason they subdued King Harnoth rather than outright kill him. With Bromm thought dead they were employing the services of a doppelganger who took the place of Harnoth as king and who answered to the elders commands.   The 6 dwarves who are part of the elders are all wearing one powerful ring each that signals their status. The King is wearing the 7th ring - however the elders are not entrusting that powerful ring onto the doppelganger who is wearing a replica. For more information on the rings please read this article:The 7 Rings of the Dwarf Elders    The 6 dwarven elders: While they all report to the King they always had the authority to make decisions in their own domains in the name of the King.

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