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Operation Splintered Nest

Operation Splintered Nest was a clandestine military plan formulated by commander of the Red forces and army Field Marshal Reginald Shackleford in the final days of the Woodangian Civil War. Fearing the city may eventually fall into Royalist hands he had a series of bombs strategically placed throughout the city of Rotelkon, focusing on key infrastructure and government buildings. This plan was implimented so that if the city ever did fall, it would be destroyed, taking it's people and the enemy with it.   High Admiral Jotan von Tynica, comander of the white forces learned of the bombs from defectors he was able to seduce over to the royalist side from within the Field Marshals inner circle. The High Admiral ordered that some, but not all, of the bombs be detonated under the Reds noses, choosing to not detonate those that would damage structures important to the Monarchy, such as leaving the Palace as one of the only major structures untouched by the blasts.   The Day of Ruin, the name that would be given to the day the bombs detonated, was a devistating and tremendous loss of life, resulting in almost two and a half million classified as dead or missing, and displacing millions more.   Thnaks to the memiors of the late Devon Wright, a red army soldier who wrote candidly about his growing disaticfaction with red army command and the horrors of the war wrote about being ordered to plant bombs inside of some building by his commanding officer and army inner circle member Brian Kierkegaard. He also discussed being part of a firing squad to kill an officer for treason who would latter be called a hero, the public being told he died in the bombings in the false official story. when the truth was revealed the King himself addressed the nation, calling the event a tremendous failure of the people of Woodangees by both sides of the war.

The Conflict


The Operation was the final stage of the brutal crack down on the people and city of Rotelkon by the red army, and was their last ditch plan should they ever loose the city.


The bombs were secretly placed in areas to maximize destruction and loss of life, having no regard for the people of the city.


The detonation of the bombs and devistation of the city, forcing the surrender of the red forces.


The city is still in shambles and the growing Rotelkonian Refugee crisis is one of many things putting a major strain on the new regime.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Covert Operation
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
Millions of deaths, the total devastation of Rotelkon, and the forced surrender of the Worker's Party in the Woodangian Civil War.


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