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The Sky

In the day, the night sky is obscured by the radiance of the sun, but in the night, the quieter beauty of the night is revealed, for in the night one can see beautiful renditions of ancient myths.  The first two stars were painted on the underbelly of Purgatory by Sul and Fex shortly after the end of the Universal War, as a way to remember their parents on opposite sides of the sky.  These two stars became known as the Chaotic and Balanced poles of the sky.  From there, each god gradually added on, painting more stars to depict themselves, or having followers depict them, and many started painting scenes.  Eventually, the gods started depicting mortals, demigods, heroes or particularly devout followers, in a region in the very middle between the two poles, which quickly became known as the equator, all of the depictions blurring into a beautiful cloud of stars creating creamy strands against the otherwise black underbelly to the naked eye, but when looked at with a telescope, they are as beautiful as the original depictions of the gods.  There are some who believe that the sky is aliveness in some way, and it seems as though it truly is as it gives some of its followers power unlike that of any other deity's.  Further sects of this faith believe that individual constellations have power and this has led to many being worshipped as patrons to cities towns, or even concepts like war.  Followers of the sky generally fall into the three categories of artists, researchers, or warriors.  The artists see it as the god's limitless canvas, and draw inspiration from the beautiful depictions, and some get gifted visions.  The researchers see it as the greatest collection of stories and information, and use it as a sort of databank, some recieving information from it, as it tells them stories of days gone by.  The warriors see it as primarpy a record of the great wars, and seek to create battles grand enough that they should be emblazoned on the sky, and some have their hopes realized.


The two opposite ends of the sky have the two largest and brightest stars, which mark the Balance and Chaos Poles.  The ring in the middle is called the equator and has the highest concentration of stars and constellations on the sky.  Each constellation depicts either a different person or a different event in history.

Natural Resources

It sheds light onto all of the Inner Sphere.
Alternative Name(s)
The Stars, The Night Sky, Purgatory's Underbelly
Star System
Location under


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