Marion "Cipher" Lightbringer

6th Level Human Rogue

Played by Anthony Vitale II

Race: Human (Oeridian)
Level/Class: 6th Level Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Points: 48
STR:10 DEX:16 CON:14 INT:14 WIS:12 CHA:8   Height: 5 feet 5 inches
Weight: 118 lbs
Gender: Female
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Sunsebb 21, 587 CY   Biography: Marion Lightbringer was born the daughter of the famous cavalier Caric Lightbringer in the Barony of Goldenridge. Since childhood, she has been considered a rambunctious person, often in and out of trouble. The wanderlust within her is a defining characteristic, and she has always rebelled against the law – of her community and of her father.   Being the only child of Caric Lightbringer, Marion was expected to adhere to the knight's stringent principles and code of honor. These doctrines, being so fundamental to her father, were the very antithesis of her own character. Though he loved her deeply, the cavalier never came to understand his daughter, and a distance grew between them once Marion entered into her teen years. He allowed himself some comfort that Marion's closest friend was Fozan Richdale, a pious young cleric of Heironeious, who seemed to have dedicated himself to her protection.   As Marion approached her eighteenth year, it became obvious that she intended to depart Goldenridge. Despite her father's valiant attempts to keep careful tabs on her, Marion managed to slip away in the early summer of 605 CY, when young Geoffrey Antillus Aspensore IV went missing. She followed the eastern rode out of town with Fozan in tow, and disappeared into the wilderness of the world. She also traveled under the alias "Cipher," and introduced herself as such to those she met.   In the town of Daerwald, many miles east of Goldenridge, Cipher managed to get herself into a tense situation after plying her new "trade" of pickpocketing in one of the local taverns. A brawl broke out over the incident and Cipher and a dumbfounded Fozan might have found their adventure cut shorter than expected were it not for the timely presence of four other childhood friends, that as fate would have it, were also present in the establishment. Arakhor Strongbow, Aerdon Strongbow, Amon Duskbringer, and Greault Dreadwood cut an imposing image to the rest of the tavern's patrons, and the group managed to diffuse the situation long enough to slip out of town. Cipher found herself very intrigued by Arakhor's earnest desire to locate the missing Geoffrey Aspensore IV. She eagerly offered her services as "scout" and "surveyor" – and of course, Fozan would come along with that bargain.   In short time, Cipher and her new companions found themselves deeply entangled with the affairs in the eastern Dreadwood, where an ancient and evil dungeon known as Rappan Athuk drew them ever-deeper into darkness and danger.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Currently exploring the dungeons of Rappan Athuk

Year of Birth
587 20 Years old

Adventure History

605 CY
Rappan Athuk


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