13 Years War

The Conflict


Taylan Talat and his followers left the Kingdom of Delryn and traveled East to the new continent of Austra, where he intended to establish a new country, the Kingdom of Ostar. However, the native people living there (The Folk) were not thrilled.


The war was fought across most of the Western half of Austra, from the coastline of the Crater Sea to the Wildmouth River and South to the Suncall Mountains and Clayband Mountains.


For a short period of time, Ostar was satisfied with its victory. Taylan and his people and heirs were able to solidify their hold on large swathes of the land they had taken, and start establishing settlements and infrastructure.


The Folk were not happy with being driven from their homes, and there were fairly frequent border skirmishes. Taylan and his heirs soon disenchanted with the idea of having such dangerous and fractious neighbors, and began to consider what it would take to conquer the whole continent.

Historical Significance


The successful 13 Years War cemented The Talat Family's place as leaders of Ostar, giving them the foothold they needed to establish their Kingdom and later their Empire. The Folk would not again control the major territory on a continent after this war.

Technological Advancement

This war was mainly fought with infantry, cavalry, martial weapons, and magic. Taylan had the advantage of some primitive long-range cannon-type weapons, powered both with and without magic.

13 Years War

Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
11495 CE
Ending Date
11508 CE
Conflict Result
The humans emerged victorious, driving the Folk South into the peninsula and East across the WIldmouth river.


Kingdom of Ostar/The Talat Family & Supporters

Led by

The Folk


Army Organization Techniques
Knowledge of the Land
More Numbers



Control Territory
Keep Control of the Land


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