The Senary

The Senary is a pantheon of three sets of deities. It is the prevalent religion for the Humans of the world, and virtually the only religion for those who dwell in the Kingdom of Delryn, The Brilliant Empire, or their vassal nations. Three is a very important number to Senarians, as many important things occur naturally in threes: land/air/sea, day/twilight/night, and good/evil/neutral, to name a few. The three pairs of deities likewise represent relationships seen most often in and most cental to their societies: the family Nefere & Nakhta, the siblings Meret & Moseni, and the lovers Sekhay & Shadi. All six of the deities are gender-neutral, and their aspects can be depicted as either gender or neither as appropriate. Most followers of this faith regard all six deities as important, though they may feel a personal connect or devotion to some over others.

Tenets of Faith

The ethics and tenets of the Senarians varies depending on country as well as with whom an individual resonates the strongest; a worshipper of Nefere might value order and authority quite highly, for instance, while a particular follower of Sekhay might find more worth in trickery.

Most Senarians can agree that:
  • There are many gods, and worship of other gods does not always interfere with the worship of the Senary
  • The world would not run without balance between different ways and priorities, and thus would not run without all six of the Senary
  • The gods rarely act directly in the lives of their followers, but rather act through luck, fate, and the actions of their chosen few (clerics, paladins, etc.)


The type, number, designations, and array of clergy varies widely from deity to deity, and sometimes even among sects of the same deity. For more information, visit the articles for each individual deity.


There are few origin stories amongst the myths of the Senary. There may be vague references to Nefere and/or Moseni in relation to the origin of the world in their roles as patron of new life and nature, respectively, but these myths (or lack thereof) has been largely unimportant to the worshippers, in the same way that there is very little written human history.

Most stories and myths are told in the form of parables and cautionary tales, with the aspects of the six deities taking up parts and representations as needed to form the tales. If a larger cast of characters is needed than can be composed of the six, the myths draw from a hodgepodge of solutions that range from a deity starring as multiple characters in different aspects (for instance Nefere as both The Father and The Mother) to drawing on the deities of other religions or folkhero figures.
The crest of the Senary, done in stained glass. In more primative renditions the lines can be depicted as straight instead of curved; and if colors are limited in medium the long petals can be depicted with no color, white, or black.

The Senary

pronounced sen-er-ee

Alternative Name(s)



Major Pantheon


Followers of (the) Six

Primary Worshipers





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Manufactured Items
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Notable Members


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