Rainiavar (RAYN-EE-AH-VAHR)

Rainiavar is to the South West in The Westerlunds. It is north of the Stormcrest Citadel and shares a border with both Hastegar and Struldan. Rainiavar is known for three things primarily: Having an ancient dragon as a Monarch, having a massive swamp (largest in the world) and having a massive tree referred to as the tree of life in the center of its capital.  

Government in Rainiavar

  Being a monarchy as it is, Rainiavar sees court held to hear the matters of concern of its citizens. There is a 5 in 7 chance of any given week that the person who hears these concerns is the King himself. There is a 2 in 7 chance that it is his daughter Lilabet Vavakar. They act as judge in all matters as well.   Enforcement of the law does not fall to any Wearer of Blue, however. The Rangers of Rainiavar see to the matters of their own lands.  

Religion in Rainiavar

  The Rainiavarrian folk worship however they'd like without regulation or consequence, though it should be said there are many temples of The Old Gods throughout the territory.   Klykiarzix and the Royal family however, worship The New Gods openly. They invite others to join them in this faith, but it is not enforced by any policy.  

Life for the Nobility

The wealth of the Dragon King is legendary, as is therefore, his lifestyle. Klykiarzix defends his people fiercely, fights on the battlefield fiercely, and lives fiercely. He spends coin more openly than most Dragons, who in Valorstell are misers by nature, would. In particular for his family. The royal family wants for nothing and their desires are usually made manifest by the will of the King.  

Life for the Peasantry

Rainiavar is something of a land of opportunity. The barriers between class levels in Rainiavar as thin enough that someone who is hard working can rapidly climb from nothing into the upper middle class with little more than a few years, and a positive attitude. It has been a matter of personal interest for the Dragon King to keep this stable and possible, as he wants none of his hoard to ever feel less than how he sees them: each a shining gemstone.  

Facts and Lore

  LIFE the daughter of the FIRST, and Bahamut was birthed at the tree of life in the middle of the third age. With her appearance in the world, healing magic was restored.   There are five Drakewardens of Rainiavar. Each rides a drake of a particular color and carries the color as a title. For example, Lilabet the Green. These five are the closest to Klykiarzix and his most trusted inner circle. If Klykiarzix and Lilabet were to perish, the Five would gain control of the country.   A coven of hags lives in Rainiavar who are not evil by nature. They were claimed by the dragon and endeavor to follow the laws of the land and aid the other members of the 'Dragon's Hoard'.  

Major Towns and Cities

  Shelmere   Dibofall   Valton   Lomore   Port Tagard   Port Dalnan


The Ruler, Klykiarzix, holds a very traditional court and when he is ever unavailable he usually defers this duty to his daughter Lilabet Vavakar. A series of rangers of various levels of ability and potency study at the world famous Ranger's Academy in Swamproot. The high ranger holds the responsibilty of power when the King and Princess are not spoken for.


Until the coming of Klykiarzix at the end of the war of the rod, Rainiavar was a mildly populated swamp country, with mostly lizardfolk, kobold and small human settlements. The great dragon king called all who were unwelcomed in their homelands to join his hoard and they would be protected as fiercely as any dragon treasure. The swampy country grew as if over night into the thriving Kingdom that it is today.

Demography and Population

The Hoard as they are referred to as, consists of many folk and there is no accounting for the variation. As such all races are present here though there is a significant Lizard Folk, Vernuth and Kobold population. As such:   15% Vernuth   15% Lizard Folk   15% Kobold   55% Other

Foreign Relations

Rainiavar has a treaty of peace with every country in its Continent, and Eldland. That said, it does not deal much with foreign matters of state beyond its direct borders, usually.

The Beloved Hoard

Founding Date
1st Age
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Great Swampland
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The following are names for coins used in Rainiavar:   Platinum: Scales   Gold: Eyes   Silver: Claws   Copper: Fangs   The early economy after the war of the rod was boosted by the coming of the great Dragon King, for whom the coins are named. The parts of a dragon each coin is named for are imprinted on that coin, or in the case of Silver and Copper, the coins are shapped in that way.
Major Exports
Leather. The rangers, the traders, the warriors here are incredible leather workers and the leathers made in Rainiavar have a reputaton the world over.
Major Imports
The primary import of Rainivar is cloth. While leather is available in abundance the situations needed for cloth manufacture are not present in the swampy lands at all.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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