Struldan (STROOL-DAWN)

  Struldan is a country to the far west of The Westerlunds. It is situated west of Hastegar and north of Rainivar. It is ruled over by the Anders dynasty who has been in power in the region since the first age.   The country is best known for its similarities to the traditional English medieval mythos. Beautiful towers rising out of the ground, knights in shining plate armor serving the King and Queen. Large, near endless green fields and farmlands run by the peasantry. Festivals and games and jousting are had when work is not being conducted. And of course, the Castle of Pradmont being every bit as majestic as the proverbial Camelot ever was.  

Government in Struldan

The government in Struldan is a monarchy and practices fuedelism. Each city has a ruler that bows to the crown in Pradmont. Judges are appointed by those in authority on an as needed basis. There are no lawmakers or representatives of the people, although it has been a long standing tradition that the King and Queen hold court in Pradmont on alternating days, with the exception of the 7th day for religious purposes. People may come from all over Struldan to request an audience with the monarchy. Those of rank and title get priority and then for all others it is on a first arrival, first seen basis. Here the court of the King will hear out the needs of the people and decide how to act accordingly.   The Fuedal Lords and Ladies who comprise the court all hold lands and exercise authority in the regions and townships listed below. They are responsible for the safety and well being of the peoples of their lands, the insurance that the crown's law is carried out to the fullest extent, and the collection of the King's tax is fully completed. They are each issued a portion of the country's wearers of blue, or The Blue Cloaks. Additionally each Lord or Lady has the right and privilege to name a Knight to the service of the crown on the name of their lands. (ex: Ser Tyson of Banhall). To serve as a Knight of Struldan is an honor for it is as much a martial responsibility as it is a public and athletic one.   In rare cases, Knights may even be appointed additional titles and lands by their respective fuedal lord or Monarch.  

Economics in Struldan

Struldan has a traditional medieval economy, offering the ability to trade goods and services for coin. A portion of all transactions, all property, and all wealth is taxed by the crown on a flat rate of 5% of net value and is collected on a six month basis. Tax Collectors are among some of the most revered and hated people in all of Struldan.   The primary export of Struldan is lumber for which there is plenty to be found. Second is vegitation. In particular vegitation trade is strong with neighboring Hastegar, as the salt flat regions of the south east in Hastegar make it difficult to grow and produce food. This has brought a fair bit of coin in for the Struldani folk who are farmers by majority.   The primary import of Struldan is steel and metals. The ground has been fertile and good to the Struldani people, but it hasn't gifted them with strong minerals or metal deposits, making the large scale creation of arms and armaments a difficult thing without such imports. Second highest import is arms and armaments themselves.  

Religion in Struldan

Struldan reveres The Old Gods first and foremost. The primal fashions and forces of nature speak to the earliest days of the settlers of Struldan.  

Life for the Nobility

Life for the nobility is one of management. The needs of the people are commonly a driving force in Struldan. In particular, in Pradmont, the matters of state are less of corruption and more of tactics. How can this village be diverted the water they need? Who can spare forces to aid this village against their bandit or thief problem? In short life for the nobility in Struldan is one of responsibility and constant action, with no small amount of diplomatic agreements even internally between regions.   Most nobles in Struldan live a moderatley oppulent life, but typically not so much that they draw action from their peasants, just the usual form of grudges and idle annoyance that comes from classisim in general.  

Life for the Peasantry

The peasants spend their days working. Wether they are farmers, toiling away in the fields, or they are shopkeepers minding their place of business, those who are not in the nobility spend their days bustling. For those of Struldan this is no labor of agony but one of pride. You'll find the Struldani, by and large, are proud and look upon the labors of their hands with reverence and often insist upon others doing the same.  

Facts & Lore

  The woods to the North of Struldan are considered to be enchanted and there are rumors of connections to the Feywild.   The country's words refer to a shield. This was in fact a reference to the first age and a battle that took place there during the great war. An unnamed warrior offered himself in the service of his king as the dark army settled in all around them, and defended the King by planting his shield into the sod in front of the ruler, and defending stalwart until the morning light. This is where Valorstell folk get the title 'Knight', for the man fought throughout the entire night for his King. The proverbial shield has been planted since the elder days and the words of the country were born.   The emerald on the King's staff was mined from the earth in the souther part of Struldan.  

Major Towns & Cities:

  • Andolia
  • Treley
  • Port Ordine
  • Port Zadence
  • Port Yara
  • Isenborough
  • Pardiff
  • Port Banhall
  • Port Rul
  • Port Frolham
  • Creshire
  • Khilias
  • Stashall
  • Olstead
  • Port Sila
  • Anessa
  • Midwelter


The royal family of Struldan consisting of its Monarchs, the King & Queen, rule. Second in line to the throne is the eldest of the Princes & Princess who are the children of the King & Queen, or the children of former Kings and Queens. Third in line to the throne would any present Dukes & Duchesses.   The royal family empowers local leaders of townships to employ its will. They would employ the titles of Marquess or Marchioness, Earl or Countess, Vicount or Vicountess, or Baron or Baroness depending on the size of the region they expend authority over.   The Knights of Struldan are very classical knights and enforce the authority of the crown by way of sword in honor and under the vestigaes of power granted to them by the crown. They are in addition to and wholly seperate from the wearers of blue.

Demography and Population

  • 50% human
  • 20% Wood Elf
  • 10% Gnome
  • 10% Halfling
  • 5% High Elf
  • 5% Other

Foreign Relations

Struldan has alliances with Hastegar, Dukaisia, Porenia, Rainiavar, and Eldland.   Struldan is the sworn enemy of Garnax, going back to the first age.   Struldan remains nuetral with all others.

The Shield of the West Planted Since the Beginning

Founding Date
1st Age
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Emerald of the West
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The following are how coins are referred to in Struldan:  
  • Platinum - King's Eyes
  • Gold - Sun Drops
  • Silver - Flatstones
  • Copper - Pebbles
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories


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