Hastegar (HAWS-TEH-GAWR)

  Hastegar is the central country of The Westerlunds. It is situated between Struldan, Rainiavar, Gyledaria, and Kaldemar and acts as an accessway between these lands. It is overseen by The Council of Illumination under the guidance of the church of The Trinity of Light. Hastegar has long been the central point of religious enlightenment and discovery.   Seen as a savage land, The Council of Illumination does nothing for the judgement of criminals or decision making for the individual tribes that inhabit the sizeable salt flat desert that composes most of its landscape, or for the Duergar tribes that inhabit the mountains to the North. When matters of conflict come to question they are most often settled with Tribal Wars. A detailed ledger of the tribal conflicts is kept in the Citadel of the 7 in the capital city of Borealis.  

Government in Hastegar

  Hastegar is a Theocratic Republic in which the belief in The Trinity of Light is seen as the guiding principle for lawmaking and policy crafting. The people belive that the members of The Council of Illumination were chosen by the very Gods themselves and revere the Council's decision very highly. That said, there are no judges in Hastegar. Matters of judgment that would ordinarily be handled by a court are handled by bloodsport - typically through tribal warfare or the so called blood arena.   There are few laws the Council has put into motion each year beyond those of the Book of Light. Usually matters of lawmaking or policy changing end after nine or ten discussed changes. This is not due to the length of sessions they hold, nor is it due to argument or hostility. The council is of unanimously one mind that the people have a right to know all of the laws, to memorize them. Too many changes or new laws and this would not be possible. It is a matter of respect for their people that they only change few things yearly.   The council elect new members when one is removed from office, or passes away. In emergencies this is done in closed session. Outside of emergencies this is done by having open forum and hearing from the people of Hastegar for nominations. At least one member must represent Religion, and one be a representative of the Wearers of Red.  


Hastegar has a barter economy. Prices are negotiated by vendor at point of sale or agreement for goods and services. This may be for coin, but it may also be for other goods and services and this varies widely on how close to civilization in the salt flat desert one finds oneself, or how the vendor conducts thier own business.   The primary export of Hastegar is salt, as it is an in demand spice and mineral and Hastegar has it aplenty. The secondary export may be seen as more intersting, as it is sports equipment. Hastegar has several sessions of "The Games" every year which feature all manner of outdoor sport and activity. They produce sports equipment in abundance and it is sold the world over in trade.   The primary import of Hastegar is vegitation. It is difficult to grow things in salt flats, and while there are plenty of meat options that are hunted, (The Salt Flat buffalo who consume the salt to survive is a favorite among the wandering tribes) fresh fruits and vegetables are needed to avoid health issues. These are usually imported from their ally to the north, Struldan. The second largest import is paper.  

Religion in Hastegar

  Hastegar revers The Trinity of Light proudly. The Citadel of Light in Borealis is the largest cathedral to the religion the world over and many worshippers go on pilgremege to there. There are whispers in the modern age that a Stellivus, a member of the many called the Stellevir dwells in the Cathedral.  

Life for the Nobility

  There are no nobility in Hastegar. In previous iterations of The Council of Illumination they had a section of the city of Borealis walled off. In current era, Sunscar and Hrothgar, both members of the Council have moved to eliminate this and reclaimed the land for the people to live in allowing more to dwell in the sacred city. The Council live in the city as any, in a more humble way than the council ever has before.   For other townships and cities the people have the right to choose how they are governed there. Most have a governor who enacts the will of the council in good faith. Again the governor does not oversee matters of judgement, but rather of communication, diplomacy, and authority of law / commanding the Wearer(s) of Blue assigned to their territory.  

Life for the Peasantry

All are to be blessed under the light. The book of light teaches us to give to those in need regardless of the circumstance and more than 90% of the country practices this with perfection, often to the surprise of outsiders. They are generally happy, happier than most other countries, and welcoming. They are not naieve but because of their nature may often be seen as such. They pick up quickly if folk try to take advantage of them, and depending on the level of threat or severity this could come to combat.  

Facts and Lore

  • Hastegar is the realm in which the veil between this world and the world of the Gods was pierced in the third age, allowing the Gods access to the material plane once more.
  • Hastegar's salt flat desert is due to a great battle between Arteris and Anzelvor in the first age in which the God of the Sea attacked his brother, the God of the Land and hurled a wave over the whole of the Central Westerlunds. This carved the natural borders of Hastegar, and created the salt flats.
  • The religion of The Trinity of Light came to Hastegar in the early second age when missionaries of the House of Verran traveled through the land and saw the light reflected in the salt, and the rainbow over the city of Borealis as signs of the Gods of Light.

Major Towns and Cities:

  • Tempeste
  • Ethos
  • Goatlund
  • Breystar
  • Fomron
  • Aurora
  • Lomore
  • Holitos
  • Port Zuros
  • Port Armok
  • Port Sonis
  • Famraga
  • Osithi
  • Halomire
  • Volance
  • Port Banali


The seven members of The Council of Illumination are in equal authority to each other. They pass laws that are policed by the Wearers of Blue at the authority of local governors. All matters of judgement or settlements of wrong doing are done by official bloodsport, either by way of dual, arena, or tribal warfare.

Demography and Population

  • 10% Bugbear
  • 10% Kobold
  • 10% Lizardfolk
  • 10% Goblin
  • 10% Goliath
  • 10% Hobgoblin
  • 10% Kobold
  • 5% Leonin
  • 5% Loxodon
  • 5% Minotaur
  • 5% Thri-Kreen
  • 5% Duergar
  • 3% Aarakocra
  • 2% Other

Foreign Relations

Hastegar has alliances with Struldan, Gyledaria, Kaldemar and Rainiavar. It doesn't trust alliances over the sea.   Hastegar has no current enemies.

The Hand of Light Blesses, but Smites the Darkness.

Founding Date
The First Age
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Jewel of Light
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
The following are how coins are referred to in Hastegar:  
  • Platinum - Dunes
  • Gold - Suns
  • Silver - Moons
  • Copper - Stars
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories


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