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T'au Cadre Creation

Choose Homeworld

Tau Empire

  • Traits: Serve with Pride (The Tau are born into their castes, and naturally fit for their purpose. This, however oftenmakes them neglect the other aspects of life. Depending on their caste, the Tau PC can add up to 3 points to a specifiedcharacteristic, while subtracting the same amount from another.
    Fire: BS - Fel/Int ; Earth: Int - Ag ; Air: Ag - T ;Water: Fel - WS/Str)
  • Strength In Unity (A perfect machine can be built of imperfect parts, and the Tau caste system is a proof of that. Onceper session, a Tau player may use a Skill of a Tau teammate as a basic Skill, or as though they were trained in it if it'salready considered basic)
  • Dark Millennium Naïveté (The Tau are a people who are constantly deceived, as much by the Ethereals for theirsanity's sake, as by their common optimism and inability to see the galaxy in its true colors. They take a -5 to all testregarding the less pleasant aspects of the universe. The Jaded Talent can be purchased only at GM's discretion)

A player may, if they choose to, sacrifice the Serve With Pride trait, and apply one of the Home World templates found below.
(Note that for Gue'vesa, home worlds would be found in the Dark Heresy core book)


  • Traits: Elders (Other Tau look up to those of this Sept as naturally wise. They get a +5 bonus to Fel when dealing with other Tau)
  • Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic), Scholastic Lore (Tau Society)


  • Traits: Hot Blooded (Tau from this Sept must pass a WP test in order to disengage from combat), Natural Born Fighters (Have +5 WS, +5 S, but -5 Fel and -5 WP)
  • Skills: Awareness


  • Traits: Xenos Contact (Tau for this Sept have had the most contact with other races, and therefore get a +10 to their fellowship when dealing with anyone who is not Tau)
  • Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic), Barter or Charm


  • Traits: Born to Fly (Tau from this sept can re roll any failed drive or pilot checks. The re rolled result stands.)
  • Skills: Drive (Vehicle of choice), or Pilot (Military Craft)


  • Traits: Disciplined (Sa'cea Tau are more likely to keep their cool in and out of combat, giving them +5 WP)
  • Skills: Command

Cadre Type

Armoured Cadre

Cost: 4 points
Characteristics: –3 Weapon Skill, +3 Intelligence
Starting Skills: Operate(Surface).
Standard Kit: One TX7 Hammerhead gunship per squad, and one maintenance toolkit per Player Character.

Stealth Cadre

Cost: 4 points
Characteristics: +3 Perception, –3 Fellowship
Starting Skill: Stealth
Starting Talents: Ambush
Standard Kit: One pulse carbine with markerlight and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), two photon grenades per Player Character.
Special: For the cost of 3 additional regiment creation points, the cadre can add a TX7 Devilfish troop carrier and MB3 recon drone per squad to the Standard Regimental Kit.

Armoured Reconnaissance Cadre

Cost: 8 points
Characteristics: +6 Agility, –6 Toughness
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface), Tech-Use
Starting Talents: Push the Limit, Tank Hunter
Standard Kit: One TX4 Piranha scout skimmer per Player Character, and one set of magnoculars per Player Character.

Rapid Reconnaissance Cadre

Cost: 8 points
Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Toughness
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface), Tech-use
Starting Talents: Combat Sense or Accelerated Repairs
Standard Kit: One TX2 Tetra Scout Speeder per Player Character, and one set of magnoculars per Player Character.

Fire Support Cadre

Cost: 4 points
Characteristics: +3 Ballistic Skill, –3 Toughness
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Marksman
Standard Kit: One pulse carbine with markerlight and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one TX78 Skyray missile defence gunship per squad or one DS8 Tactical Support Turret with Missile Pod per every two Player Characters, two photon grenades per Player Character.

Line Infantry

Cost: 2 point
Characteristics: +3 Strength, –3 Intelligence
Starting Skills: Athletics
Starting Talents: Rapid Reload
Standard Kit: One pulse rifle and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of combat armour per Player Character, two photon grenades and two EMP grenades per Player Character.

Mechanised Cadre

Cost: 3 points
Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Perception
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface).
Starting Talents: Rapid Reload
Standard Kit: One pulse rifle or pulse carbine and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of combat armour per Player Character, two photon grenades and two EMP grenades per Player Character, one TX7 Devilfish troop carrier per Squad.

Close Assault Cadre

Cost: 3 points
Characteristics: +3 Weapon Skill, –3 Intelligence
Starting Skills: Dodge or Parry
Starting Talents: Lightning Reflexes
Standard Kit: One pulse blaster with four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of combat armour per Player Character, two photon grenades grenades per Player Character.
Special: For the cost of 2 additional regiment creation points, the cadre can add a TX7 Devilfish troop carrier per squad to the Standard Regimental Kit.

Training Doctrines

Most published training doctrines may be used as is. Some doctrines must be modified as follows:
  • Close-Quarters Battle (p.42, Hammer of the Emperor Standard Regimental Kit: One pulse blaster and four charge packs per Player Character, one mono knife per
  • Defenders of the Faith (p.33, Shield of Humanity Starting Skills: Common Lore (Ethereal Caste), Common Lore: (Tau’va).
  • Favoured Foe (p.66, Only War core rules Replace the choice of a Forbidden Lore on an enemy of the Imperium with a Scholastic or Forbidden Lore on an enemy of the Tau Empire.
  • Snipers (p.34, Shield of Humanity Standard Regimental Kit: Longshot Pulse Rifle with four charge packs (Maine weapon)

The Crusaders (p.33, Shield of Humanity), Demolitionists (p.34, Shield of Humanity), Heavy Lancers (p.42, Hammer of the Emperor) and Skirmishers (p.42, Hammer of the Emperor) doctrines are not available.

Special Equipment Doctrines

Covert Strike
Electro-vox Warfare
Forward Observation


The universal standard kit items are as follows:
  • One uniform
  • One set of poor weather gear
  • One pulse pistol (Main Weapon), and two charge packs
  • One knife
  • One set of recon armour
  • One rucksack or sling bag
  • One set of basic tools
  • One mess kit and one water canteen
  • One blanket and one sleep bag
  • One rechargeable lamp pack
  • One grooming kit
  • Combat sustenance rations, two weeks’ supply

Tau cadres do not select favoured weapons.

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