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Welcome to the World of Xordandax.   This is a West Marches-style campaign setting in which we shall have Multiple Dungeon Masters and Multiple parties roaming our world, doing what they do in a setting that shall begin as very low magic, low fantasy setting yet will grow and escalate fairly rapidly. Here are a few links to help you learn more about our world and how to become a part of it!   As a final note before you go reading all these pages though. If you are a newbie to D&D, or at least to D&D 3.5e that is fine. Say so in the Tavern channel on discord and it is likely several people will fight over who gets to help you. While D&D is a thriving hobby these days, we play an older more complicated version. As long as you are willing to put in the effort we are quite willing to help you as well.   Defining West Marches   Anatomy and Logic of our world   Member structure and interaction   Character Creation Rules   Homebrew   Creation Myth   Region 1: Korzan   Region 2: The Spine   Region 3: Entolusia   Region 4: Kaldrasil   Deities   Xordandax Timeline   Guides and Tutorials   DM Screen   Player's Handbook to Xordandax