Boarbreak Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Near the hills that mark the border between Fredsfelder and Tsenakrovi is the royal city of Boarbreak. Traditionally home to the queen and her immediate family, Boarbreak is also the military training center of the kingdom. The Queen's Palace overlooks the city's Grand Parade Grounds; a location that hosts national festivals in Tsenakrovi, including the Trials of Unity. Those wishing to join the elite Boarsblood Riders or Knights of Wolfmaw must prove their might in this annual contest, and then complete years of training before becomming full members. Summers are warm but managable, and snowy Winters leave the kingdom blanketed in white for most of the season.    
Primary Residents: Human, The Awakened (Cats & Dogs)
  Primary Language: Common
  Market Trade: Lumber, weapons, armor, riding boars.
  Temples: Primary: Abadar Smaller: Elhaz
A Boarsblood Rider on patrol
Coronation ceremony within the Queen's Palace