Tsenakrovi Geographic Location in Yeshilan | World Anvil


The human kingdom of Tsenakrovi is home to the oldest continuous royal dynasties in Yeshilan. Small farming & logging villages dot the landscape, providing a simple but comfortable living for most citizens of the kingdom. But within the royal cities, merchants and artisans create and export luxurious goods that few outside could ever afford to own. Summers are warm but rarely oppressive, and Winters bring chilly winds and snows, though the trees of Tsenakrovi remain green throughout the year. Tensions have brewed for some time with the neighboring Elven nation of Lemyatel, and with border skirmishes on the rise whispers of coming war are not be far behind.   To know before your travels:
  • If you have coin to spend, a must-see is Goldenbrush Market in the royal city of Wolfscrown Bay. Exquisite works of craftsmanship, from tapestries and rugs to jewelry and incredible clothing, and just about everything in between, can be purchased- for the right price.

  • Two premier legions stand out in the kingdom's military- the Boarsblood Riders and the Knights of Wolfsmaw. Once a year the Trials of Union are held, granting an opportunity for soldiers to prove themselves and perhaps earn a spot in the honored ranks. The Trials are an impressive display of martial might, and the festival surrounding them include events where citizens can test their might in mock trial as well.

  • The Lythrum River is a crystal clear waterway said to have been formed by the tears of Sylvar upon viewing Silmorreth Lake. It provides the border between Tsenakrovi and Lemyatel. While a beautiful site, the river is heavily patrolled on both sides due to ongoing strife between the neighboring nations. Pilgrims beware as you may be met with hostility if caught.
  The Cities & Towns of Tsenakrovi:  
Known World map of Yeshilan
Windmills at Kingsriver
A watchtower along the Boarrun River
The banner of the Wolfsmaw Knights