Iljinn Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil


A beautiful coastal oasis, the city of Iljinn is the largest population center and main trading port of Arohane. Iljinn contains numerous palaces, housing both members of the royal family of Arohane and foreign dignitaries.   A popular destination for the wealthy and noble of Yeshilan, one can experience city markets filled with luxury goods, fine dining, and exciting gambling houses. They say anything you can think to request, someone in Iljinn will sell it to you- for a price.   Hot desert days are made more bearable with the salty breeze from the Black Lotan Ocean, and cool nights are a comfortable time to wander the streets and experience the city's vibrant nightlife.    
Primary Residents: Human, Elf, Half-Elf
  Primary Language: Arohanee, Common, Elvish
  Market Trade: Luxury Goods, Gems, Exotic Animals
  Temples: Primary: Abadar, Imyrwen Smaller: Sarenrae, Sylvar
The stars over Iljinn
Iljinn City Image.jpg
Ul'dah by @IryaDemew, FFXIV
It is best to play honestly in the gambling halls