Laumei Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil


When the Tortles first landed on the Islands of Laumei, they built a temple to Gatagalu in thanks for providing them a safe new homeland. From that temple grew the village of Laumei.   The Tortle residents are experts in the production of Paia tree paper, a much sought-after resource for the production of magical scrolls. Awakened Cats first arrived upon the trade canoes of the Lizardfolk merchants of Tokamahana, with some deciding to settle on these beautiful islands for their new home.   The weather is perfectly comfortable year-round, though the Winter rainy season may leave one wanting for some sunshine.    
Primary Residents: Tortle, The Awakened (Cats)
  Primary Language: Tortle, Common, Elvish
  Market Trade: Paia paper, fish, canoes and small sailboats.
  Temples: Primary:Gatagalu Smaller:The Old Striped One
A Tortle Monk
High bridge connecting island cliffs

Cover image: Gaibang by Dawnpu