Zaklopat Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil


It is said that once the Gnomish kingdom in Helegbrek plunged through the ice, surviving Gnomes fled into the Ornzar Mountains. A single Gnomish city remained, having been built near the mountain peaks- Zaklopat.   Now the sole center of Gnomish history and culture, Zaklopat also stands as a beacon of technological and magical research in Yeshilan. The Blastforge College of Curiosity & Afterthought is a renowned institution for those seeking to learn either (or both) of these arts.   Built at the peaks of the Ornzar Mountains, Zaklopat is cold and snowy year-round.    
Primary Residents: Gnome
  Primary Language: Gnomish, Common
  Market Trade: Fine metal jewelry, tinkered machines, automatons, alchemical supplies & products
  Temples: Primary: Elhaz Smaller: Ordunnin, Nethys
The City of ZaklopaƄ
ZaklopaƄ Council Hall