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Crete Ranch

  • 2046 CE

    15 /7
    2051 CE

    13 /10

    Paisley sent to the Ranch
    Life, Relocation

    Because of the trauma of killing her best friend, Paisley fell into a deep depression and she lost all control of her powers. Her parents feared for the safety of their other children and contacted her mother's sister, Mina, to take her.

    Additional timelines
  • 2049 CE

    19 /2

    Tali sent to the Ranch
    Life, Relocation

    In her home town, Tali's parents were terrified of her. Multiple times, they caught her with her hand in fire and feared she was possessed by something evil. During an exorcism that they hoped would help her, a candle was knocked over and everyone burned to death around her. The police assumed she started it and gave her the choice of either prison or Crete Ranch.

  • 2049 CE

    18 /9
    2054 CE

    30 /12

    Chandra sent to the Ranch
    Life, Relocation

    For months, Chandra worked at a vet clinic as an intern because she could sense the souls of the animals she worked with. And every time an animal was put down, she felt their soul die. She had bonded with a horse as she cared for it and decided to take it far away from the people who were to put it down. They reached the woods of Crete Ranch and Mina caught her; told her that she could call the cops or they could call her parents together and enroll her.

  • 2049 CE

    24 /10

    Elia sent to the Ranch
    Life, Relocation

    Elia was a student under a famous High Priestess out of Spokane, WA for a summer; her specialty was always crystal work, though nobody could figure out why. When her summer was over and she was sent home, she stole a very powerful magical pyramid that her teacher was using to hold dangerous dark magic inside of. Lady Madeline told Elia that she would not call the police if the teen would find Crete Ranch and learn how to control her powers.

  • 2050 CE

    19 /4
    2053 CE

    3 /4

    Ericka sent to the Ranch
    Life, Relocation

    The toddler son of young Ericka was wandering near the river when a man from her past came out of the woods to harm them both. Out of instinct, Ericka used her connection with water to create a bubble around the man while she ran with her son, but people saw. Somebody called the police and they threatened to take her child if she didn't agree to go with them. Without her consent, they drove her to Crete Ranch with her child.

  • 2051 CE

    6 /1
    2053 CE

    2 /1

    Poloma sent to the Ranch
    Life, Relocation

    On a dare, and partially to see if she could do it, Poloma took hacking to the next level when she broke into the Portland, OR power grid and shut down the entire city. Unfortunately for her, she didn't use enough VPN programs because she was back hacked and traced. Her entire crew was arrested and sent to juvenile detention, but she was sent to a place for kids just like her.

  • 2051 CE

    7 /2
    2053 CE

    16 /6

    Violet Perry sent to the Ranch
    Life, Relocation

    Violet has never had control of her strength, and it caused her to shut herself off from people out of fear of hurting them. During her little sister's soccer game, the ball came at her accidentally and when she hit it out of her way it knocked someone unconscious. Her parents sent her to a hospital where she was bullied viciously until she threw a concrete table across the yard. With nowhere else to turn, she was transferred to Crete Ranch and placed in isolation for her first 30 days.

  • 2052 CE

    17 /1

    Tamara sent to the Ranch
    Life, Relocation

    Police broke up an underground fighting ring in downtown Seattle, WA. To their surprise, they found a blonde girl with grey skin beating the pulp out of another girl. It took them 5 men to pull Tamara off of her opponent and 1 of them received a concussion for his troubles. When they finally subdued her, they knew there was only one place that could handle strength like hers.

  • 2053 CE

    4 /8

    Chi-Min sent to the Ranch
    Life, Relocation

    Being able to speak any language served Chi-Min rather well as a bookie. But it all came falling around her when one of them got screwed one too many times and turned her in for gambling underage. Without parents, she became a ward of the state and declared she would kill herself before being locked up again.

  • 2053 CE

    1 /11

    Melani sent to the Ranch
    Life, Relocation

    Local detectives in Bothel, WA searched for a mysterious murderer for almost a year before they discovered Melani. She would go on dates with abusive men and slice them up when they found her secret. Being a functional hermaphrodite, she wasn't able to be sent to male or female prison, so she was sent to the next best thing.

  • 2053 CE

    27 /11

    Olivia sent to the Ranch
    Life, Relocation

    Young and naive, Olivia thought she could handle anybody with her power to detect lies. What she didn't expect was being blackmailed by a cop into revealing her true intentions. Instead of infiltrating the gang that ruined her life, she was arrested and sent away so she would be forgotten.

  • 2054 CE

    4 /2

    Tawny takes Margaret to the Ranch
    Life, Relocation