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The Stone Hearth

Within Old City - near to where Gilfiel Manor is
Owner - Aula Tharia, and her husband Tarquin Tharia, they have three children. Vel, Tetia, and Hethli. All of whom live and work at the tavern.
Vel is the oldest and the only boy, he is 15 and in charge of the stables out back.
Tetia is 12 and helps her father cook, and serves tables.
Hethli is 8 and spends most of her time bothering her siblings and listening to stories people tell in the tavern.
The stone hearth is a moderately wealthy tavern, being in a very old and almost historical building adds to the ambiance of the place. Within the tavern there are lots of nicknacks and trinkets on shelves or in frames on the walls. All of which purportedly have some historical significance. The key ones that people remark on the most are a broken shield, a golden tankard, and a torn and threadbare banner.
The shield is said to have been drunkenly punched by The Companion Dain, it was on the back of an individual at the time of the punching and is supposedly the inciting incident of a massive tavern brawl.
The Tankard was the resulting payment for the damages dealt to the tavern, was created by the wizard Falrich, if the mug is touched it becomes obvious to anyone who knows anything about magic that the mug is not actually gold, it just has a permanent enchantment of the illusion of a golden tankard on it.
The Banner is a threadbare and worn strip of cloth that hangs on the wall behind the bar, it has the worn and battered symbol of Kord emblazoned in the center of the grey cloth. It was supposedly one of the banners of the First Warriors battalion. An organization that has since faded into memory, though was the original idea behind the formation of the Strond Vordr which is the current law enforcing organization in Kordsmark. It is not actually a legitimate banner, it is a replica that was created some hundreds of years after the old one turned to dust.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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