Session 29: The Companions are Deceived. Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 29: The Companions are Deceived. Report

General Summary

The companions of franchise K take care of some last minute stuff before going to bed for the night. Jasmal checks on the injured companions after the fight with the minotaur's and two days of travel through the Drowned Forest. Karrin, and Arceven is released from bed rest, while Dagwyn is still restricted to bedrest delirious along with her father due to the serious wounds she received from the battle with the minotaur. The two humans still seem standoffish, but hope seems to be returning in there demeanor. Then Jasmal and Karrin go to the Tegila worship center which is a stature of Apollo and Poseidon. After Jasmal prayers she recieves four healing potions. Karrin is given one healing potion. Dimmir then joined the them at the statues as he prepares for bed in the tree that is in the same area. Jasmal left and headed back to the Infirmary. Dagon set him self up in the barracks as well to get a needed short break trapping the room he was sleeping in expecting some kind of action. As Dimmir was preparing for bed and Karrin was getting ready to leave a noise was heard from the Drowned Forest. They were not clear on what they heard, but Karrin decided to go wake up Dagon stepping on his caltrops that were set up in his room.  Dagon being a sleep reacted as any one would and attacked the paladin fearing the hags has made into his room. After they both calmed down from that event Dagon went to the statues to see what they could hear.  Frogs, crickets, and other things that you would hear in a swamp. Then an attempt was made on waking up Dimmir two times with the final attempt a spell that told Dimmir the weather for the next day. After discussing what Dimmir heard Dagon went back to bed resetting his trap. Arceven working with both squires managed to get the Acq Inc wagon fixed along with the Keg bot that was damaged. Karrin for some strange reason decided to summon his steed at the 3 hour of the day summoning a Dragonelle with a serious attitude as it did not know where he was calling him Tonto and asking to cut out the Indian magic stuff and get back to the masked rider. This of course was a shock to the village of Tegila in the morning as they thought Bette was back with a second creature. This mixed emotion could be felt through out the village especially after the creature began to talk. The villagers were not sure what to think of Franchise K.  Were they who they said they were or just another ally of Bette? Some villagers like  Lady Tiaza Sharphorns owner of the Yellow Butter cup and a city council member still had some faith in the group praised them for they had done. Other villagers showed anger and fear towards the group. As the companions were eating lunch an 8 year old boy brought a scroll from Lieutenant Metilia Rulla that wanted to see them before they departed the village to head to Soteropolis. While eating lunch a discussion between companion members went on about whether to leave the village or not. Some thought that it would be smart to leave considering that the Bette was hunting members of the party and getting out of the village would get the danger out of town.  Others thought that they should not leave the village completely defense less not trusting the Crimson Guard. While others were concerned about the well being of the wounded and whether or not they could travel that far. Meeting the Lieutenant the companions gave a full detail report of what they did to rescue the lizardfolk from the cursed ziggurat. Including showing her one of the legendary dragon weapons. The Lieutenant said that she would be requesting more troops to aid in the defense of the village and to have a good trip. The only thing that they did not tell her was that they found the dragon eggs. The the companions left for Soteropolis traveling about 4.5 leagues where once again they ran into lieutenant Rulla who was leading a patrol back to the village. After a serious of questions the companions new that they had been duped.  Dimmir was wanting to return to the village. Dagon and Arceven argued that returning would bring more danger to the village because they new that he had a dragon weapon. Heading to Soteropolis would lead the danger from the village. Arriving in Soteropolis on the 6th of Cupid some party members were confronted by a very disgruntled veteran Crimson Dragon sergeant  Baerius Menandros. The sergeant who is not a big fan of this adventure group harassed Jasmal, Arceven, and Karrin. He was wanting a full report and that he was going to confiscate the wagon and weapons unitl the report was turned in. Then he asked where they were coming from got more angry making commits about getting away with murder because of being an adventure group or what ever they were calling them selves and let them go.  This to the dismay of the remaining Crimson Guard and Crimson Dragon soldiers. As the party moved on with the two hour treck back to the guild the companions noticed some strange creatures who were moving around the docks as if watching the party. Dagon stopping at the Open Net inn learned that these creatures have been only seen at night for the last ten-day. The companions reaching the guild hall a half-hour past the 23 hour where everyone settled in there nice comfy beds.

Rewards Granted

  • 300 EXP :for Dagwyn, Marik
  • 329 EXP: for Dagon, Dimmir, Arceven, Jasmal, Karrin. 
  • 100 EXP RP, Exploration: Dagon, Dimmir, Arceven, Jasmal, Karrin.  

Character(s) interacted with

  • Grag The Barbaric Male Orc Dimmir Squire
  • Lady Tiaza Sharphorns (Female Minotaur)
  • Corporal Nisgwyn Blackbane (female Dwarf)
  • Metilia Rulla (Female human) Platoon commander of the Crimson Guard
  • Eskar (female Lizardfolk) Queens Daughter
  • Lilly Oakenbreeze (Disguised as Lieutenant Metilia to gather information).
  • Seargeant Baerius Menandros (Male Human Crimson Dragon)
  • Lede Hektor (Female Human maid at the guild hall)
  • Veldak Pazavur (Male Dragon Born Squire Karrin)
  • Zid Female (female kobold Karrin)

Created Content

Lilly Oakenbreeze now has proof and confirmation of the legendary guardian weapons as Dimmir showed her the golden sword.  Using her resources and contacts has put a hit out on Dimmir to get his sword.  She does not know about the other two.  The companions did not tell her about the Dragon eggs. Lilly researchers have figured out that there are 12 weapons.  She does not know that they are still alive.
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
02 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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