Harker's Keep

  • Harkers Keep is a remote and historically significant island, once the ancestral home of the Harker family, a powerful lineage that played a crucial role in the history of OreIda and the War of the Ancients. The island, secluded and self-sustaining, lies shrouded in mystery and has been largely abandoned for the past 500 years—at least as far as the public is aware. Unbeknownst to most, it has served as a secret base for the Crimson Brotherhood for the past 15 years. Now the island serves as the Head Quarters of Acquisitions Incorporated franchise K. 
  Harkers Keep (The Fortress): Location: The Keep is situated on the western end of the island, strategically placed to oversee both the land and sea approaches.   Structure:
  • Fortifications: The Keep is heavily fortified star shaped fortress, with tall stone walls and stone walls.  It was designed to withstand sieges and dragon attacks.
  • Within the Keep's walls lies the Harker Manor, an opulent residence that once housed the family. The manor is still in remarkable condition, its grandeur a testament to the Harkers’ former glory. Now home of Acq Inc. 
Dragon Facilities:
  • Given the Harker family’s connection to the Dovahkiin, the Keep includes stables and landing areas for dragons. These are large, reinforced platforms designed to accommodate the size and weight of the creatures, with private chambers and barracks for their riders. 
Current Occupation:
  • Aquisitions Incorporated Franchise K. 
Fortifications and Security:
  • The Brotherhood has restored some of the Keep’s defenses and set up traps and alarms around the island, ensuring their privacy and security. Now The Order of the Phoenix along with Crimson Dragons roam the island and keep it safe from unwanted visitors. 
Historical Significance:   The Harker Family:
  • The island was the ancestral home of the Harkers, a noble family whose fate was sealed during the War of the Ancients. After their defeat, the island was left abandoned, its legacy fading into obscurity.
  • Head Quarters of the Order of the Phoneix. 
  • Head Quarters of Acq Inc. Franchise K. 
Notable Figures:
  • Abraham Harker, Lillian Harker-OakenBreeze, ZinDove Harker-Oakenbreeze, and Magwyn OakenCrown-Oakenbreeze were prominent members of the family, each playing pivotal roles in their time.
  • Prince Arceven Stormwalker
War of the Ancients:
  • During the war, Abraham Harker, the family patriarch, betrayed the Order of the Phoenix, leading to the downfall of the Harkers. Before his betrayal, he had moved the Order of the Phoenix HQ to the island, making it a fortified stronghold for the Dovahkiin and their dragons. But also the perfect place to betray the order and take the precious eggs.
Current State:
  • Public Perception: To the outside world, Harkers Keep is nothing more than a forgotten relic of a bygone era. Stories of hauntings and curses keep most people away.
  • Real Situation: The Crimson Brotherhood has quietly taken control of the island, using it as a hidden base. The Keep’s facilities, once designed for the Harkers and their dragons, now serve the Brotherhood’s secretive and often nefarious purposes. The island’s self-sustaining nature allows them to remain isolated without the need for outside resources.
  • On the 17th Of Ares, 500 CD Acquisitions Incorporated with title in hand land on the island and claim the island as their own. 
Harkers Keep stands as a ghostly reminder of the Harker family’s power, treachery, and betrayal.  Now under the leader ship of Acq Inc and the return of the Dovahkiin Harkers Keep now stands as a island of hope for the Soteropolis region.


Geography: Location: Isolated in a remote part of the realm, surrounded by treacherous waters of the Sea of Azure, making access difficult except for those who know the way.   Access: The only public access to the island is via a small port located on the eastern end. This port is well-concealed  adding to the island's reputation as abandoned. The islands lighthouse are the key to finding the Port. The rest of the island is unacessable due to cliffs, rocks, and dangers of the Sea of Azure.     Terrain: The island features a mix of landscapes:  
  • Forested Area: A large, dense forest dominates the central and northern parts of the island, providing cover and natural resources.
  • Farmlands: Situated near the forest and the river, these lands were once cultivated by the Harker family to sustain the household and its inhabitants. Now, the fields are overgrown and wild, though still fertile.
  • River: A river runs from east to west across the island, dividing it into two main sections. This river was crucial for irrigation and serves as a natural barrier within the island.


Harker's Keep is more than just an ancient fortress; it is a living environment where the natural world has slowly reclaimed the land once dominated by human activity. The island’s ecosystem, largely shaped by the remnants of Roman engineering and the gradual encroachment of nature, presents a unique blend of the cultivated and the wild.   Climate and Geography The island experiences a temperate climate, with mild winters and warm summers. Frequent mists roll in from the surrounding sea, often shrouding the island in a cool, damp fog. Rainfall is moderate but consistent, keeping the land lush and green. The island's central river, fed by natural springs and rainfall, bisects the land, flowing from west to east, and serves as a vital water source for both flora and fauna. The terrain is varied, with rolling hills, dense forests, and fertile farmland, all centered around the imposing structure of Harker's Keep.     Overall, the environment of Harker’s Keep is a dynamic system where the past and present coexist, shaping an ecosystem that is both resilient and richly varied. The island, though seemingly abandoned, is very much alive, with nature slowly reclaiming the land while preserving the echoes of its storied history.

Fauna & Flora

Flora The flora of the island is diverse, with a mixture of wild and cultivated species. The forests are dominated by oak, beech, and pine trees, their dense canopies creating a shaded underbrush where ferns, mosses, and shrubs thrive. In the abandoned farmlands, hardy wild grains, fruits, and herbs have taken over the once-cultivated fields, their roots reaching deep into the rich, loamy soil. The presence of old Roman vineyards and orchards means that grapevines and fruit trees, though untended, still bear fruit, attracting a variety of wildlife.   In the marshy areas near the river, reeds, willows, and water lilies flourish, creating a wetland environment that supports a different set of organisms. The wildflowers that line the roads and open fields, such as daisies, poppies, and wild thyme, provide nectar for pollinators and contribute to the island’s vibrant ecology.   Fauna The island supports a wide array of wildlife, much of which has adapted to the island’s unique blend of natural and human-made environments.   Mammals: Deer, foxes, and wild boar roam the forests and farmlands, feeding on the abundant vegetation. Small mammals such as rabbits, hares, and squirrels are also common, thriving in the mosaic of wooded and open areas. These animals are prey for larger predators like wolves, which are seldom seen but leave evidence of their presence in the form of tracks and the occasional distant howl.   Birds: The island is home to a variety of bird species. Hawks and eagles nest in the higher reaches of the fortress and the tall trees of the forest, using their keen eyesight to hunt for small mammals and birds. Songbirds, such as robins, sparrows, and thrushes, flit through the trees and hedgerows, while waterfowl like ducks and herons frequent the river and marshy areas.   Insects and Pollinators: The island's rich plant life supports a healthy population of insects, including bees, butterflies, and beetles. These insects play a crucial role in pollinating the island’s plants, ensuring the continued growth of both wild and cultivated species. The presence of these pollinators is a sign of a balanced and thriving ecosystem.   Aquatic Life: The river, although not overly large, teems with life. Fish such as trout and perch swim in its clear waters, while frogs and salamanders are found along its banks. The river also attracts otters, which are occasionally seen playing in the water or hunting for fish.


  • 22 of Jupiter 4847 AD. The island eight hours from the city of Soteropolis is discovered by Albertus Harker after his fishing boat is struck by something killing half of his crew. Albertus discovers the only safe entrances to the island.
  • 01 of Zeus 4846 AD: Albertus Harker returns to the island that almost killed him and begins the construdtion of the fortress of Harkers Keep.
  • 25 of Diana 4746 AD: Agrippa Albanius Harker completes the work that his dad Albertus started. This keep would be the seat of power for the Black Legion empire in OreIda.
  • 22 of Cupid 13 AD: Abraham Harker is named the Supreme Commander of the Order the Phoenix. His first order was to move the HQ to Harker's Keep near the city of Soteropolis.
  • 2nd of Luna 02 AD: The Black Legion empire and its alles are defeated by the realm of Avalon and its allies ending the War of the Ancients. The island is abandoned after Harker is killed.
  • 4th of Gaia, 485 CD: Lilly Harker-Oakencrown secretly goes back to Harker's Keep and starts to rebuild her former home. She uses the island and her home as the HQ for Crimson Brotherhood.
  • 15th-16th of Ares, 500 CD: With the magistrate seeing through fake deed and losing the rights to the island to Acquisition Incorporated Lilly quickly flys on Shurikan to the island and gets as much men and equipment off the Island. She is not aware that Acq Inc would be showing up on the island a day after she leaves.
  • 17th Of Ares, 500 CD: Acq Inc Franchise K arrives on the island fighting and defeating several slave task masters freeing 42 slaves. (10 of the 42 are Oakencrown)
  • 18th of Ares, 500 CD: Shining Eclipse frees 25 more slaves as they reach the farms located on the island.
  • 19th of Ares, 500 CD: Shining Eclispse freeing over 300 slaves and taking out the skeleton crew left on the island have settled in for the first night stay in the Manor the former home of the Harker's now the HQ of Aquisitions Incorporated Franchise K. 


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