
The minotaur's who dwell in the realms of Avalon, Thaellon, Imyfelon, Lavyrinthoso and the remote areas of South Azure are caught between two worlds. Some follow the dark god Orcus, who has tyrannized them for ages untold and shown them a trail of slaughter that is all many minotaur's have ever known. Others, though, have emerged from this bloody path and found a world that welcomes those who pursue their own destinies and heroic callings. The minotaur were a creation of the zealots known as the Horned King cults. These human tribes began worshiping the demon lord Baphomet. There intent was to create a new species that could stop the spread of the Black legion and Moon empires. The one thing the all pantheons will not tolerate is man, elf, dwarf, or any of their creations experimenting with creation it self to create there own species.  This was the case with the minotaur's. The four leaders of the pantheons who created YonZaro met and it was decided that Zeus and Jupiter would this because it mainly effected their worshippers. Jupiter answer was to send Orcus and deal with it.  The Horned King Cult members were sought and broodily dealt with. Orcus then turned around and used the aggressive behavior of the minotaur and used it to promote the Roman pantheons' plans in the war with the Greek pantheons. The minotaur were used against Northern Azure Kingdoms.  After the defeat of the Battle of Soteropolis the captured minotaur at the request of Bahamut and Zeus were taken to Camelot where they were shown another way to exist with out the outlandish trail of slaughter that they were created and trained to be.     Minotaur's are barrel-chested humanoids with heads resembling those of bulls. Their horns range in size from about 1 foot long to great, curling weapons easily three times that length. Theros minotaur's often carve their horns to sharpen their edges, etch symbols of power into them, or sheathe them in bronze to prevent them from shattering during battle. Thick hair extends down minotaur's’ necks and powerful backs, and some have long patches of hair on their chins and cheeks. Their legs end in heavy, cloven hooves, and they have long, tufted tails. Minotaur priests often adorn themselves with sacred items, be they trophies from fallen foes, keepsakes from their homeland, or naturally occurring marks of their god’s favor.    Passion and Zeal Minotaur's are known for venting their outrage through violence, but they aren’t generally quick to anger. They are passionate, loving their friends and partners fiercely, and they laugh loud and long at good jokes. This zeal also extends to their faith. Those who have avoided the corrupting influence of Orcus gravitate toward the service of gods who share their bold nature.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Playable at DM Desecration

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Average, but there are some know Wizards with above average intelligence
Scientific Name
100 years
Average Height
Average Weight
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