Session 17 Tegila III Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 17 Tegila III Report

General Summary

The citizens of Clazos wake up to a light rain but happy. There may be no fishing but the market for the first time in many moons is open.  Goods coming form the south are able to get through now. The local patrons of Cracked Cask seem more friendly to the companions of Franchise K the companions pick up conversations about a flying beast that has not been seen in a half a ten-day. The patrons do seem to be focused on a humanoid character with robes who was sitting in the corner smoking a pipe blowing small smoke rings. Some of the patrons were saying that he has not been seen in 40 moons. Some of the patrons thought he was a cook. Some of the patrons commented on the fact that he showed up after the roving bard who sang the strange song that nobody understood yet the weapons of two of the companions glowed while the song was being played. Some patrons spoke of a prophcey tied to the stranger. Dagwyn sat at the table of the stranger and started asking questions. He asked if she was the Dovahkiin? Dagwyn responded with who and the stranger responded with I am looking for the Dovahkiin and want to speak to the Dovahkiin. Once Dagwyn figured out who this stranger was talking about she got Dimmir who immediately came up and hugged the stranger knocking off the hood of the stranger revealing an aged wood elf with gray long hair. Then the stranger asked to see the weapon. Dimmir showing the weapon a sudden look of hope showed up in old elf eyes. Have you found the queen yet. Dimmir said she is in the rapier she comes and goes as she please or to that affect. The stranger pleaded with the dimmir to find his dragon. Do you have the map. Then pulling of a fine silk cloth off his left hand showing it to Dimmir. Dagwyn saw nothing on his hand but it was obvious that Dimmir saw something. Two wood elves with the Acq Inc sigil showed up to town as well and were traveling north to the town of Phanodes and asked if they could travel with the companions of franchise K. The wood elves observed the companions and were not sure about the dynamic of the group but travelled with the companions. Then the squires came in and said that the wagons were ready to go and the party headed north on the ancient Trade route to the the village of Tegila. The citizens were hoping that what ever was north that stopping the trade route they could solve. 3.5 leagues north of the village the companions were traveling pretty good considering the roads after the weather for the last two days. The companions starting hearing hooting coming form the forest. The wood elf who had an owl companion on her shoulder sent it out to find out what the new noise was. As the owl flew through thick covered forest it came upon three owl bears who were tracking the party. The owl also could see a trail of several bones of various shapes and sizes. The owl bears then proceeded to attack the companions with Arceven being knocked unconscious very quickly. The companions took on the conflict and reached Arceven in time with no known consquences. In an attempt to rescue Arceven Karrin was also knocked unconscious as well. After killing the owl bears the party proceed north and reached the town of Tegila. There the Crimson Fist reported to Dimmir and Raz' Thrak the following:  
  1. You are the first travelers we have seen in 5 moon. 
  2. We have sent messengers and none have returned. 
  3. We were worried the rumored Minotaur clan was real and we were going to be fighting for our lives.
  4. We have had no travelers coming from the north either.
  5. The bullywugs have been rumored to be fighting the Lizard folk again.
  6. The Lizard folk that come here often for trade and entertainment have not been see in two-tenday.
  7. A new kind of Lizard Folk have been seen in the Drowned forest.
  8. The flying creature that has been in the area for the past 9 moons has not been seen in a half 10-day.
  9. We were investigating a possible operation that has been going on longer that we have been here but, they missed there last usuall arrival four days ago. They are expected again tonight if they remain on the schedule they have been on. (Grand Rose Jollys
The town has two inns that can be seen one of the inns called the Yellow Cup Inn that is has been well taken care off. The second inn called the Hunters Spear has been neglected but looks adequate. There is stable that is shared by both inns.  The Yellow Cup in is large in size and looks to be able to accommodate Raz' Thrak size.

Rewards Granted

  • 300 EXP Roll play per person
  • 263 EXP for Owl Bear encounter.

Missions/Quests Completed

Road to Tegila

Character(s) interacted with

Yinkas of house Elrond
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
06 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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