Session 20: The Drowned Forest III Tyr day, 29th of Zeus 500 CD Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 20: The Drowned Forest III Tyr day, 29th of Zeus 500 CD Report

General Summary

The companions of Franchise K wake up again to an eerie silence in the drowned forest. As the party prepares for another days travel in the curesed forest as Marik claims after he got the party lost for the entire day ending up at the same camp twice.  This time the party notice a marked trail that was not seen before. As the party began to follow this marked trail they started finding different equipment pieces of Baroness Dagwyn Oakencrown. eventually ended on a dry patch of ground that has been used for a rest spot by fellow travelers. In the middle of this dry spot Dagwyn was found on a cross beaten badly and grasping for air as she hangs on the the cross. As the party carefully got her down from the brutal roman style execution a scroll was found warning Franchise K that they were in over there heads and to go back north where they belong. The have meddled in business that was not there concern and have cost them coin. The price for this was to be paid by there leader Raz' Thrak. Dagwyn was allowed to live though nearly beaten to death as a warning to there influence and power in the Soteropolis region. The Kings influence means nothing in this region and they are the true power of the region.  The Black Legion is the true power in this region as the people of the region know this power and its influence. After a short rest and some healing of Dagwyn the party continued east in search of the smugglers operation. As companions moved east heavy croaking began to pick up and the companions were ambushed by three different waves of Bullywugs as they were attempting to protect a magic item that they had found. The party fought the three waves of ambushes losing Marik for a little bit till he was healed by Jasmal. Karrin ended up with the magical item which was a Helm of Underwater Action. Then the party after a long day took a long rest with no body bugging them.

Rewards Granted

  • 400 EXP for the everyone for the ambush encounters.
  • 100 EXP for everyone for RP.
  • Helm of Underwater Action ( Awarded to Karrin and is a attuned Item.)

Missions/Quests Completed

The Drowned Forest.
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
04 May 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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