Session 33 The mines of Rock & Stone. Report

General Summary

The companions of Shining Eclipse woke up to a brisk morning as the tempature has dipped down to the mid 50's due to the nature of being two leagues below the surface of YonZora. The three furnaces that the dwarves use for mining are not at full compacity at night. They do have a night shift that keeps the great furnaces running because it takes to long to get them up and running again. The great horn that sounded at the 19th hour to announce the end of the day went off at the 5th hour of the 10th of cupid to announce the new work day. By the six hour the tempature was up ten degrees. Dwarves, gnome, the rest of the work crew were eating breakfast and preparing for the day. The night crew were having there last meal before going home to rest for the next night shift. The companions of franchise K were informed the that the guild halls and the business of Bedrock would be open up at the 7th hour. Arceven, Dagon, went to the guild hall to meet with Slate enterprises. The rest of the party went to the local markets.    Dagwyn went to Obswald General store where she went looking for information by other means. She learned that the dwarves leadership were keeping the mysterious deaths of the Franchise K interns under wraps. She also learned that the Dwarves had done dug deep enough to reach the area known as the Underdark. To the average citizen of the realms of Northern Azure they have no knowledge of the Underdark. Those who are astute and keep up on history know that The Underdark is a vast network of underground caverns and tunnels underneath the surface of North and South Azure. It is home to a host of evil beings driven deep into the caverns at the end of the War of Rebellion that ended in the year -9801 AD. Most Notably was the race of the ebony skinned elves know as the Drow. Mean while DAgon and Arceven met with the the leadership of Bedrock Queen Fowina, Duke Fred Flintstone Earl Barney Rubble, and Baron Slate Gordon. The leadership was asking questions about Acquisitions Incorporated. This was the second time that this guild was seen in there village. The dwarves are very protective of there mines. Arceven gave the queen his papers of the contract between Adlum Flintstone, who happened to be her cousin. Satisfied they were given a mithril coin from two of the clans. They were warned to stick to the contract. Once companions had made purchases from the general store, Stinges Clocks, and The Majestic Gargoyle meeting at the 10th hour and left heading north to the heart of the mine of Rock & Stone.    The companions traveled for two more leagues observing for the first time the quality and craftmanship of the dwarves. They arrived at a massive round vault door where two members of the Mine Shields. After the paperwork and coins were show the vault was opened with another warning of sticking to the contract and be back before the great horns blows or be stuck in the mines overnight. Behind the this vault was a large room of storage bins for the raw materials being mined. Another room had three large forges with dwarven blacks smiths hard at work making mining tools, weapons, and armor. The room also had racks of the made items for the dwarves as the operation of the mine continued. The third room contained beds in case one could not make the curfew of the 19th hour horn. The companions traveled another two leagues where they reached a circular room consisting of ten tunnels. Each tunnel marked in dwarven the number of the tunnel including A-2 the tunnel the party would need to take. After showing the coins and paperwork again the party continued in A-2 where they traveled another two leagues. There they came upon a group of six ebony skinned elves fighting six dwarves. Two dwarves lay dead two lay wounded while a female and male dwarf continued to fight for there lives. The party quickly attacked the ebony skinned elves and defeated them. Dagwyn took out the drow mage with one deadly shot of her bow in her true trade mark fashion. Once they defeated the drow Sir Marik gave a healing potion to one of the badly wounded dwarves saving his life. Karrin was able to stabilize the other wounded dwarf. Arceven seemed to be upset that they wasted a valuable resource on the dwarf. Sir Marik didn't care at and told the prince that the franchise reputation was at stake. Duchess Pebbles gave the newly knighted tiefling three jade gems worth 300 Sheckels apiece.

Rewards Granted

  • 450 EXP To Raz' Thrak and Jasmal
  • 525 EXP To Arceven, Dimmir, Karrin, Dagon, Dagwyn, Marik. (Encounter)
  • 75 EXP To Arceven, Dimmir, Karrin, Dagon, Dagwyn, Marik. (RP Exploration)
  • 03 Jade ( deep green) gems Worth 100 Sheckels per gym. ( carried by Marik.)
  • 08 Reputation points with Duchess Pebbles Flintstone.

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Grag The Barbaric Male Orc Dimmir Squire
  2. Veldak Pazavur (Male Dragon Born Squire Karrin)
  3. Zid Female (female kobold Karrin)
  4. George Patten (Marik Squire Male Human)
  5. Krumron Slate ( Waitress at Sly Wizard inn) Male Dwarf.
  6. Bonngwyn Slate (Dragon Ante Dealer) Female Dwarf.
  7. Pebbles Flintstone (Female Dwarf)
  8. Brumdar (Male Deep Gnome)
  9. Gwenmera Slate (desk clerk at guild hall) Female dwarf.
  10. Barron George Slate (clan leader of the slates) Male Dwarf
  11. Earl Barny Rubble (Clan leader of the Rubble clan and Military commander) Male Dwarf.
  12. Duke Fred Flintstone (Clan Leader of Flintstone clan) Male Dwarf
  13. Queen Fowina Flintstone (Queen of Bedrock and Rock and Stone) Female Dwarf.
  14. Lieutenant Malrom Rubble
  15. Pebbles Flintstone (duchess of Bedrock) Female dwarf.
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ ( R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶)
R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ 7
54 / 54 HP
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Chaotic Neutral High Elf (Charlatan)
Rogue 5
Ranger 2
48 / 48 HP
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 7
63 / 73 HP
Report Date
31 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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