Bennik Itolan Character in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil

Bennik Itolan

Justicar of Nythis Itolan

Bennik has spent his life in defense of his homeland, West Bulan. As a third son, Bennik was destined to join the holy order just as his elder siblings were eventually going to rule Itolan County.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

As a paladin of Nythis, Bennik wears the blue and gold tabard of the Children of Nythis. Beneath the holy standards he dons high quality plate armor made by the master craftsmen of the Ontensil Dukedom.   Bennik is the proud owner of one of the few belts of Hill Giant Strength that The Knights Rode has kept for so long. They gave it to him as a gift of gratitude when he helped them slay a band of hill giants that threatened the safety of The Gold Road on a journey through The Grolsting Hills.   Finally, Bennik has completed a quest in the name of his goddess, Nythis, Goddess of Justice, and was rewarded with the divine weapon, a Holy Avenger, as reward. He values this weapon more than his own life.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Azure Knight
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
3746 129 Years old
Aligned Organization
Character Portrait image: some knight work by Kekai Kotaki


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