Shailont Settlement in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil



Shailont's Demographic is split up as follows:
Species Percent of Population
Human 65%
Deep Gnome 20%
Half-Elf (High) 12%
High Elf, Forest Gnome & Other Remaining 3%


Shailont is a city under the control of West Bulan, and more specifically within Itolan County.   This means that the Pelerin is meant to follow any decrees given out by the Earl Itolan at the time, and anything Shailont does that goes against it will face repercussions by the Earl only. The Duke of Ontensil does not interfere with the outer counties.   Due to the vast distance by land between Itolan and Shailont though, the city is a bit less strict in enforcing the laws of West Bulan, especially considering its history of forced subordination.


Three districts make up The City Proper. The districts atop the cliffs.
The Aldedge District
---Meerinuit Lighthouse
---Munstitch Manor
---Binding Flour
  Rocktop Yards
---Rivettag Workshop
---The High Range
---The West Crossgate   The Southfront District
---Sovereign House of Change
---The High-Trek Market
---The South Crossgate
---The Choosing Holes   The other two districts that go down the cliffs or near the water make up The Lower Districts.   Dulescal District
---Creyser Tombs
---The Leaning Landing     The Mystquays
---Goliana's Trade House of Shailont
---Tack'n'Galley Dry Docks of Shailont
---Runoff Tankard
---Shailont Fishing Docks
---The Tide Market

Guilds and Factions

The Children of Nythis are the active watch in the city and are responsible for keeping crime at a minimum. Chrome Inquisitor Nanette Itorias leads the city watch and is considered by some to be an equal to the leader of the city, Leroux Davolt who is aging and has no successor. During the day, a guard can be found at the entrances to each district and patrolling the major roads. Odds are that if you are in the city during the daylight, a guard can be there within a few minutes. At night, the story is a bit different and it may take up to 10 minutes in the city proper or even a half hour for a watch to show up in the lower districts.   The Iron Sails contract at the docks and have nearly a third of them reserved for their own ships. While they don't own the docks, their men do keep watch at the docks in place of the Children of Nythis. They don't watch over the entirety of The Mystquays, but at the docks they act as almost a private police force with legal authority to kill those who obstruct their own justice on the docks.    The Church of Kesris is a place where the sick and needy go to when they need help. The Meerinuit Lighthouse is their temple and the shining Blindbell acts as the beacon of the night to all ships entering the harbor from sea.   The Knights Rode maintain the Creyser Tombs and are often called upon as judges when a dispute becomes difficult to resolve. Protector Exquisite Xanellar is known through the city, and for the most part people like him, but prejudice against non-humans has been on the rise lately and the tombs have been the target on occasion. Graffiti has been removed recently even.   Goliana's Trade Company controls the trade in and out of the city through the ports. If you're just arriving on a new ship, or planning to leave you need to first consult with the trade company to receive permission to stay/leave in port without issue from the Iron Sails. Alexis Goliana of the company is well liked through-out the community and often gives back when opportunity presents itself.   The gnomes of Rocktop Yards, and more specifically, Rivettag Workshop conduct research and manufacturing of weapons that protect coastal cities from dangers at sea. They have set up an arsenal of large ballista and even prototype coastal defense cannons along the clifftops. When somebody needs something made well they can usually find a craftsmen here. If they need it made quick though, they can probably look elsewhere in the city.


  • Shailont


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