The Hallish Federation Organization in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil

The Hallish Federation


Comprised of four different nations, the Hallish Federation has strained to maintain an uneasy unity brought on by a common enemy. 300 years ago, the warring nations in the Ulbril Plains were waylaid by the The Neltish Tribe from below. The Aldrik Republic was the first to be targeted and quickly realized that they would be overwhelmed in a matter of months. In a desperate bid for survival their leaders called for aid, and their neighbors answered. Pontrish, East and West Bulan all sent reinforcements under an immediate cease-fire to aid in the defense of the Ulbril Plains from this new enemy. Quickly though, they discovered that the Neltish Tribes were spread far wider than they could have imagined and the largest war in the region's remembered history erupted. On the surface, the 4 nations unified under the banner of the Hallish Federation to fight in this new unusual manner of warfare, and they did not adapt well. Assault from below, at any location across the empire became extraordinarily difficult to defend from. The cease-fire has continued to this day, although the state of the war is still strenuous.


The 4 Eminent Generals lead the combined forces of the Hallish Federation in their defensive efforts against the aggression of the Neltish Tribes. Each adheres to the covenants within the The Hallish Armistice to the best of their abilities.


  • Northeast Zelid
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members


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