The Hallish Armistice Document in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil

The Hallish Armistice

A document signed by the leaders of each country in the Ulbril Plains that puts their internal struggles on hold until the threat of The Neltish Tribe from below is dealt with. With the signing of this armistice, The Hallish Federation official came to be.   The armistice itself outlines 4 new laws so that the following may happen:
  • The 4 participating countries will cease any military conflicts immediately
  • the 4 participating countries will allow freedom of movement of troops across borders so as to more quickly and efficiently respond to threats from the Neltish Tribe
  • the 4 participating countries shall each appoint one of their citizens to fill the role of a new rank: the Eminent Generals.
  • Until such time as the Neltish Tribes are no longer a threat to anybody on surface of Zelid, the 4 participating countries shall be henceforth unified under the name of The Hallish Federation so as to reduce confusion conflict.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Authoring Date
Ratification Date
Signatories (Organizations)


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