East Bulan Organization in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil

East Bulan

Soon after the fall of Bulan caused by the the death of Bulan Ontensil, the original duchies that had been conquered realized that the Ontensil Dukedom was still powerful enough to blow through any one of these three duchies alone. The decisive issue that caused these three nations to join together though is the aggressive mandate of the Ontensils that Nythis, Goddess of Justice and the Children of Nythis were the only religion that should be worshiped.   The founding belief of East Bulan is freedom of belief and each duchy praises a different variety of gods. As such, even between the various duchies multiple gods are worshiped. To see further detail on this, look at each duchy.


The organizational structure of East Bulan mimics that of West Bulan. A clear sign that despite their apparent animosity, the leaders are not so different.   The three tridukes rule East Bulan: Under each Duke are subsequent Earls, Barons and Lords. See the individual duchies for further detail.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Predecessor Organization
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations


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