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Updates 9/9

PHEW, there are 13 more days until the release of my MG/YA book, Inarora's Excursion and I feel like I'm losing my mind lmao. I'm scrambling for content, trying to make content on Bsky and TikTok and phew some days I just want to curl up and cry LOL.
  Anyway, I did some editing of articles last week. I think it was Seri, Dahlnen, and then I made a new article:
Enaros International Politics
Geographic Location | Sep 5, 2024
with the startings of my international relations. I didn't do it before because it wasn't QUITE necessary but as I work on book 2, I'm realizing: oof I have a LOT of international relations that is needed. And I'm even citing these fckers. Granted I haven't found it necessary to cite in articles YET but I have the citations made and ready. (Tell me you graduated college with research and citations beaten into you WITHOUT TELLING ME).
  As y'all saw on Saturday, I have a new universal link. I was not vibing with Booklinker, and I like Books2Read much better
  I also now have my amazon author page FINALLY set up so please consider giving that a follow!
  I got some bit of writing done this week, but I've been bouncing between writing and work and marketing. (It's hard. Send help)
  Anyway, I think that's all the updates I have for this week? I think???
  #Fantasy #UrbanFantasy #Writer #AnvilWriter #Author #SeraphUpdates

Totally random update but important for readers.

I noticed my universal link wouldn't show enough links, because they only did like maybe two or three. Idk how the fuck to work that site for more links, so I've made another universal link with books2read. So if you want to pre-order on OTHER sites, please use this link! Thank you <3
  #author #urbanfantasy #fantasy #writers

First two books are available!

I have recently released my first two manuscripts on WorldAnvil since I transitioned over to using it as my main writing platform.
  The blurb...
  Step into the cosy, wholesome world of Amathera. Following SJ, a newly reborn Fae Assassin, and her initially snarky AI assistant, Dave, as they embark on a journey of self-discovery and friendship in this enchanting realm. In Amathera, reputation reigns supreme, and SJ must navigate the intricacies of her new life alongside her unlikely companion. Together, they'll forge a bond built on trust and respect as they grapple not only with each other but also with the changes sweeping through the realm. SJ finds herself labelled as an anomaly, seen by some as malware posing a threat to the established order. But as her new life unfolds, she begins to question whether appearances are deceiving and if there's more to her existence than meets the eye. Amidst the shifting tides of change, what was once considered normal for millennia is now evolving, forcing both the reincarnated and the population at large to adapt. As the System implements its plans, SJ and Dave find themselves at the heart of a transformation that will reshape the very fabric of Amathera. Join them on a journey filled with laughter, action, and unexpected twists as they navigate the mysteries of Amathera and uncover the truth behind their extraordinary connection. A wholesome LitRPG, Isekai, Slice of Life where the MC slowly begins her new life, world building and gaining reputation.
  Amatherean Tales
  Have a great weekend all.
  #litrpg #fantasy #writer

ARC Call! (Last one for this week, I swear)

It's wild how much stuff I have to post. I'd rather post worldbuilding updates for WA. LOL. But for now, uh I do have an ARC call out right now!
  ✅ Sarcastic Gay Grandpas? ✅ Cat Folk? ✅ Aro/Ace Enby MC? ✅ Doting dad? ✅ Emotional Men? ✅ Disability Rep?
  #ARCReaders #ARCs #fantasy #UrbanFantasy #Author #Fantasy #Writer

November 17, 2023 (bonus Writer's Life Update)

“Don’t worry. Everything will be alright…“
-Someone Elsewood

  hear the clip

Hello, wonderful people. Today's Update is a bonus for everyone to read: both paying subscribers and free followers!

  I am so grateful to you all for being awesome and supporting me throughout this journey, Not only have some of you been subscribing, but adding one-off donations which is just so amazing. Special shout out to Dreamcartographer for donating to my Ko-Fi the other day while I was streaming on Twitch! <3
  I have been trying to be less shy about promoting my projects and soliciting donations as of late. Right now, I am not in the best financial situation, but I appreciate what I have. I know that it is not at all anything to take for granted. Still, it would be lovely to be a bit more comfortable and not worry as much. Especially considering that I am about to get laid off from my primary place of employment at the end of January. I still haven’t found any substantially promising substitute. Last time I got laid off from my main income source, I tried to see if it was a sign to maybe start doing my creative gigs full-time and figure out if I could survive from that alone. Unfortunately, it didn’t really take off as much as I needed it to. It was not enough to sustain me, so I had to scramble and find another “real” job. I suppose we’ll see what happens this time.
  I love to support people, but, sometimes, it seems that I am giving more than I am receiving. I need to work something out if I want to be balanced and successful. I suppose I’m just trying to treat people the way I want to be treated, but the golden rule can sometimes make me lose all my gold, unfortunately lol. Perhaps it will get paid back to me one day. Until then, I just have to keep praying and keep going.
  Though I’ve been attempting to improve, I should strive harder to become even better at self-promotion. It’s something that I have been trying so very diligently to work on. I am attempting to find a balance between being wayyyy too passive and being a total nuisance who begs people for donations every time they look up. It seems that neither of those strategies has worked incredibly well for me so far. Either I am doing nothing and asking nothing and getting nothing, or I am doing things and asking things and not getting too many things. Some people have complained about not having a lot of success, only selling a few hundred copies a year lol. I can’t even say I’ve done anything close to that. I know everyone’s situation is different, but, from what I’ve gathered, I feel like people looking at me from the outside think I am more successful and well-off than I really am.
  I am thinking of starting a fundraiser project to see how much I can collect. I really want to build up the hype around Someone’s birthday next year, and drafting up a goal to earn a bit of money will ensure the festivities will be really super extra special! I have a lot of things planned; short audio dramas, story snippets, cool surprise streams, and more! I want at least one piece of new content published every day in February leading up to the big shebang on the 29th itself.
  A lot of people don’t actually notice how expensive it is to do all the things that I do. And I do this a whole lot, most of the time offering it to everyone for free. It takes up a lot of my time and attention. It also costs a lot of money to compensate the voice actors satisfactorily. I want to pay them well because they do an absolutely spectacular job! But I’m also doing some of the voices, along with editing and publishing, producing, advertising, designing, writing, and everything else, but I am not compensated. It’s fun and all, but working seven days a week and still trying to find a way to get things together can be very taxing and costly. I know this, but I don’t really know a solution to the problem that I can implement on my own. I don’t want to stop doing it, but I need to figure something out. People suggest I delegate, but delegation costs money. That’s another reason why I do a lot of things myself.
  Sorry for this lengthy rant. I say this to say thanks to all of you who are following me, paid or not, because you help to motivate me and keep me doing these things for you all. I truly appreciate and cherish your generous support. Words cannot describe how much you mean to me. Still, the inevitable mention is that, like it or not, money makes the world go round. This is one of the reasons I may take a hiatus on certain projects. Thank you for understanding.
  If you are able to support, I will be eternally grateful. If not, but you know people who might be willing to chip in a bit or two to help me out, I would really be honored if you shared my links--my projects--any of my works with anybody. And if there are any perks you’d love to see to help you feel more compelled to contribute to my efforts, please shout them out. I’m going to try to get merch up and stuff like that. I already have some things going that have been established for a while, but I don’t do enough advertising. Perhaps I’ll be changing that soon but hopefully not to the point of painfully unbearable annoyance lol.
  I love each and every one of you so very much! God bless and great success to you with all the stuff! Sending so many prayers and hugs. <3
  #writerslife #update #support #love

Skirmishes and Schisms Chapter 7 is Out

Hey all, I've now released Chapter 7 of "Skirmishes and Schisms" to the world.
In this chapter, the Kyadii leaders finally meet Klor'asq, who was the very reason for their incursion on Qalathian soil. But his perceptions of freedom lead them to question if the whole effort had been for nothing.
The latest chapter is linked below, but to start reading it Click/tap here.   Chapter 7: Myths of Freedom in Skirmishes and Schisms   Thanks,   FJ Brodie   #Fantasy #Fiction #Manuscript #WriterNotAuthor

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Institutions of Learning

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