Session 2: The Journey to the Sacred Clearing Report

General Summary

The Journey, Not the Arrival, Matters.


1st of Nariza 795 AC

For Two Week the Traveler's Journeyed together towards the Sacred Clearing, during this time the Traveler's spent their time taking care of the mundane tasks that was subjected to Tobias on a daily basis. Taking the opportunity to rest and gather all the fresh water they can gather the Mastadori Trade Caravan took the day off from travel.
With a day off of menial tasks the Traveler's took the time to explore and gather from the surrounding area with some mild success. After sharing their finds with each other, the group settled in for the night after a meal provided by Tobias. While on Watch Duty V heard a noise coming from Tobias' Cart. In researching the source of the noise he discovered a group of Red Kobolds ransacking the cart looking for food.
Waking up his fellow Traveler's the party rushed to defend the cart and more importantly the food supplies. With Varanus engaged in a duel with one of the creatures, While Bricky & Tobias quickly dispatch some of the thieving Kobolds. Unbeknownst to the group their was a few Kobolds hiding in the trees and before Luna could react she found an arrow buried in her shoulder. As BogBean rushed to Luna's aid she saw another Kobold with strange wings being creating an orb of ice in its hands.
Before she could stop the creature, it fired the icy orb straight towards Tobias blasting him through the lung rending him unconscious. In her Primal Rage Bogbean split the Kobold who shot Luna in two down the middle. Luna revealed her own magic as well on the Kobolds spraying poison on to one of them taking its life. In a heated duel between a shield bearing Kobold and V, seizing an opportunity of weakness the Kobold managed to slit V's throat rending him unconscious as well.... Seeing an opening to flee, the Kobold began to run towards to river. The combined effort of Luna & Drexla saw that the creature didn't escape. The Party began rushing to aid of Tobias & V before they bled out, Bricky quickly sowed a piece of leather to cover the open gash in V's throat. Drexla cared for Tobias' wound. Tobias opened his eyes to look out to a foggy forest with strange plants and trees.
As Tobias gathered his surroundings he found he was not alone. Standing before him was a larger woman standing some 9ft tall. The Twilight Mother as Tobias has once called this being he has seen during his coming of age trials. She asked him curious questions about his dreams and hopes. She spoke of coming into being in this world after seeing dreamers suffering and being killed at the hands of the Faye. She now wishes to protect this realm, The Dreamscape. She informed Tobias that their was a Child named Ella, who dreams for a friend, had allowed a creature to attach to her and use her it enter the waking world and cause damage. Tobias needs to find the girl and save her from this creature before its too late, that much like her, he was a protector of those who cant protect themselves. Before Tobias could ask another question he found himself forced back to the waking world.
Slightly wounded and exhausted, the Traveler's attempted to gather supplies from their defeated foes, as Luna went to harvest the dead creature suddenly the Kobold rose and tried to latch onto her. Before the creature could do anything, Luna's hair came to life and smashed the creature to pieces, must to the surprise of her fellow travelers. Once the bodies were dealt with and disposed the party finally managed to gain their rest. In the morning they will being journeying through the Sen-Tu Forest on their way to Arnknoka

6th of Nariza 795 AC

A Week of Travel through the Sen-Tu Forest felt like an eternity before finally seeing the Clear Sky once more. The Traveler's were in awe at the sight of the Sacred Clearing, true to its name it was a large circular region of open plains. In the middle of the circle looked to be a large tent city surrounding a large structure in the middle of the circle, this was the city of Arnknoka. As the Traveler's enter the city and travelled into the inner rings of the city proper, they began to notice the distain the all the other MyrRin had for their Cook Tobias. Openly putting down and refusing to even sell to the Leonin. As it began to seemed like Tobias was truly alone, he was met by a Golden Leonin named Lincoln Goldclaw. Having found a Hume wondering the Forgotten Lands and hoped he might find a buyer of this fine creature. Though an uneasy conversation, the two Leonin left on peaceful terms. As the Traveler's continued through the city the reach the center. A large structure surrounding a Stone Shard jutting from the ground, Eternal Rock. Though told expressly not to touch the stone, Bricky and Bogbean almost couldn't escape their curiosity until V simply walked up and touched the stone. He was thrown into a vision for only an instance, One Voice beckoning him to "return to the Island" and the other welcoming him home. Quickly removing his hand, V found that the hand print under his hand was exactly like his own.   
Wishing to not have anymore trouble thrown onto him, Tobias quickly sought a place to hitch his cart and hopefully gain some gold and some information. Soon learning from his uneasy friend Lincoln that the Kenku Chieftain Lady Kree could be suffering from the same curse as the Shadowmane Tribe. Once settled, Tobias with V in tow headed to have a drink with Lady Kree while the other Traveler's kept watch over the cart. Seeing an opportunity to attempt to find supplies Drexla took off around the camp area looking for parts. Eyeing a mechanical music box operated by a Grung, Drexla tried to attach her newly created translocator to the music box so that she may snatch it at a later time though she didn't realize that she had caught the eye of the hungry Grung. Unable to dodge its sticky tongue Drexla found herself inside the mouth of the Grung barely able to escape.     
As Tobias and V enjoy Tea with Lady Kree, the rest of the Traveler's wait for their return while keeping watch over the cart. Drexla having to clean herself off from the Grung spit she was covered in but was elated in her successful caper of the music box. Only a few more days till the start of the Festival.....

Extrayus Campaign

Drexla Goldsprocket

Neutral Evil Fairy (Extrayus Artificer)
Artificer 2
18 / 18 HP

Bricky von Wallenstein

Player Journals
Captain's log 2 by Varanus
Grout und Spacing by Bricky
Travel to the Festival by Luna
Report Date
06 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Sacred Clearing

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