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Mon 10th Apr 2023 04:13

Captain's log 2

by Varanus

What a time we come to a stop what a nice calm night but never trust then the calmest times. Until they attacked they little kobolds like that little sad one, but much nastier. Lucky that I manage to catch them before they took the cat's food and damage is cart as I would much like the same treatment. what a battle for sure, Brick...Bricky I mean and Bogbean are very powerful they can cleave monsters in half with ease. Luna is very power in some magical way her hair and wit in battle is astonishing along with that Tobias he may have fallen fast but certainly kill one to oblivion and Drexla a marksmen's but also my officer of coin? maybe Boatswain? i have to workshop a better name but she will handle the gold soon. I personally think i did well in that epic fight i had was a tough opponent. what a lucky shot that little guy got on me practically killed me.... but thanks to Bricky he saved me life as a favor for that he will be called his name as requested as a repayment.
I need to sit drexla down and maybe have her understand the code soon but that can wait til we get to the ship. one we got to the true party the grand event we have all been waiting on boy what a show for sure. all these animals large and small for sure its been some time before i saw a event like this at the many ports i have been to, after paying way to much to that Tobius for our "travel fees" i know i paid way more than what i should have we got to explore the floor then i saw it the sacred rock. i was drawn to it it was calling to me deeply. i touched it and my god what i new feeling i have had never self something so real the voices...calling me back home...i cant go back...its to real those voice I have not heard for a long time....... never mind that soon after i might have broken a few "rules" by touching the stone the rick cat a goldmane i believe interesting cat but seems he favors humans as slaves or workers cant say i judge i was transporting worse at times. Seems Bricky and Bogbean didnt like that so much. i wonder where that hate comes from... need to look more into luna seems she knows a history she will not speak of. also the fights at this event i must win some money on that get to get bogbean and bricky to fight it will be easy money.
Tobius maybe a large cat but has a very poor directional skills we got lost for hours but, i met some sea folk they seems to remember me from some travels before and offer a quest interesting i will have to hear them out for more
i must be careful you never know who is watching.....