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Wed 21st Feb 2024 06:24

Captain's Log 8

by Varanus

but man the city was certainly in a hurry about all this as golkir and I move from roof to roof keeping out of eye sight. Got all my stuff back almost went out to leave but i heard we might be getting real fucked over soon a large attack happening. certainly after being arrested for some crimes doesn't help much but maybe helping in the battle to save the town will help with that who knows. not sure on how or when they got that mattius to leave the city but he sure is evil. maybemakes some room to make some money there later on. now working on plans to fight this out Drexla has the mind for it and she seemed to have gotten a lot of power. I sure hope that doesn't go to her head or nothin. bricky seems so cheerful very protective about that youngin we found went off to threaten me just to let her stay on my boat. Honestly he could have just asked i wonder what she learned on that ship maybe a thing or two to live better or worse. I remember being that young learnin all I can on a boat. At least she has protecti0n this time but i gut tellin me something a miss here but, thats nothing to worry over there a big nasty batch or those critters showing up soon. We should have left would have been so easy but for some reason i stayed i know those rag tagged group may need me. Well what a battle to have surely one to remember! certainly wont forget that anytime soon nor will the people in this city. got to cut down tat main nasty bugger to pieces and help save all those people. i mean they didnt help us much but i cant seem to blame them. i never was a good man nor any better after what I have done to those people here lots to clean up and lots to see. During that battle i done saw luna make this aweful blindin light wall just sittin there burning and blindin those monsters gotta remember that must be that conjugation stuff again. magic is just to complicated doesnt make no sense at all... after all those cheers and more holy water to the face time to scout out that mansion see if i cant get anything worth somethin there maybe help some people around here get soem information and sell and little help people feel better powers. I guess I might be showing up to this court after all that bein something i know those goodie to shoes folks would want. no need to run nor hide from it. the box was still in the armory/ jail cant be taking that with me. I wonder what's happening to it right now. Drexla has a lot of plans on her mind curious little one She’s Got Gumption for sure be talkin bout making me a rife that can shoot as far as to lady kree from here. Gotta make sure i keep her favorite Powder on hand. everyone has a busy time here i can barely think about anything else but take each day step by step i could be A Rooster One Day And A Feather Duster The Next. lets see if i can get chattin out of this mess.

Varanus's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Captain's Log 1
    16 Mar 2023 05:31:15
  2. Captain's log 2
    10 Apr 2023 04:13:46
  3. Captain's Log 3
    28 Apr 2023 03:22:27
  4. Captains Log 4
    23 May 2023 06:13:37
  5. Captains Log 5
    23 Jun 2023 06:28:51
  6. Captain's log 6
    18 Jul 2023 09:28:15
  7. Captain's Log 7
    26 Jan 2024 07:45:35
  8. Captain's Log 8
    21 Feb 2024 06:24:16

The major events and journals in Varanus's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 24: Celebrations !

06:09 pm - 12.09.2024

Session 24: Celebrations !

06:09 pm - 12.09.2024

Session 23: The Final Challenge

06:09 pm - 12.09.2024

Session 23: The Final Challenge

06:09 pm - 12.09.2024

Session 22: The Third Challange

09:19 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 22: The Third Challange

09:19 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 9: Sails & Sandbars

09:18 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 9: Sails & Sandbars

09:18 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 12: Fort and Fortitude

09:17 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 12: Fort and Fortitude

09:17 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 13: Its all in the Fine Print

09:17 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 13: Its all in the Fine Print

09:17 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 14: Experimental Bonds

09:17 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 14: Experimental Bonds

09:17 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 15:

09:17 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 15:

09:17 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 20: The First Challenge

09:17 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 20: The First Challenge

09:17 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 21: The Second Challenge

09:17 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 21: The Second Challenge

09:17 pm - 10.07.2024

Session 11: Twisted Tales & Twisted Paths

07:30 pm - 16.10.2023

Session 11: Twisted Tales & Twisted Paths

07:30 pm - 16.10.2023

Session 8: Those who Travel on....

09:44 pm - 30.09.2023

Session 8: Those who Travel on....

09:44 pm - 30.09.2023

Session 10: Voiceless Trials

03:12 am - 11.09.2023

Session 10: Voiceless Trials

08:03 pm - 10.09.2023

Session 7: Sacrifice.....

05:16 pm - 23.07.2023

Session 7: Sacrifice.....

05:15 pm - 23.07.2023

Vanishing Dreams

12:02 am - 01.07.2023

Vanishing Dreams

08:16 pm - 25.06.2023

Session 5: Thundering Hooves and Thundering Skies

10:36 pm - 02.06.2023

Session 5: Thundering Hooves and Thundering Skies

07:42 pm - 28.05.2023

Session 4: Round 2 Fight!

06:36 pm - 21.05.2023

Session 4: Round 2 Fight!

09:03 pm - 07.05.2023

Session 3:

03:53 am - 18.04.2023

Session 3:

08:07 pm - 16.04.2023

Session 2: The Journey to the Sacred Clearing

05:25 pm - 30.03.2023

Session 2: The Journey to the Sacred Clearing

05:25 pm - 30.03.2023

Session 1: Welcome to Extrayus

11:32 pm - 05.03.2023

Session 1: Welcome to Extrayus

09:09 pm - 26.02.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Varanus.