The Jungle's Claw #022

General Summary

Game date: 25th day of the Crow, Year 13944

  Beneath the twisted roots and verdant canopy of a lost jungle dungeon, a tense standoff unfolded within the ancient temple ruins. The air hung heavy with moisture and the scent of decay, punctuated by the distant rumble of what could only be described as earth-shaking footsteps from somewhere above.   Thronn Zamda, the half-orc ranger, found himself in a precarious position. His muscular frame was battered and bruised, his wrists and ankles bound tightly. Tuurkidrax, the imposing Dragonborn gladiator of the Mist Watch, held the half-conscious Thronn by the scruff of the neck. Beside them, Thronn's loyal companion Meat-Beak, the vulture dog, was similarly restrained.   The Mistwatch members, including the nimble Tiefling assassin Berathi, were visibly on edge. They had not expected company in this forgotten temple turned dungeon. Yet here they were, suddenly face-to-face with the towering Minotaur Ratek, a member of the enigmatic group known as the Sinister Six. Shittisk and Krikfleek, two other members of the Sinister Six, stood back, watching the unfolding scene with evil enjoyment, more interested in observing Ratek's exploits than intervening.   Vah, the Darkling Elder and leader of the Sinister Six, lurked in the shadows, his inky black eyes surveying the scene with cold calculation. His dusky skin and natural affinity for darkness made him nearly invisible in the dim light of the temple. Unbeknownst to the Mist Watch, Fouk Shadim, the cunning Vorcian rogue, had managed to avoid capture and was now attempting to impress Vah with his skills. He crouched in the shadows of a crumbling archway, his keen eyes taking in every detail of the unfolding scene. Unlike Thronn, Fouk still had his weapons and gear, a crucial advantage in this dire situation.   Fouk tried to catch Vah's attention using thieves' cant and subtle gestures, but the Darkling Elder remained impassive, his taciturn nature evident even in the midst of the chaotic scene. As Ratek charged towards Tuurkidrax, the Dragonborn reacted swiftly. She hurled Thronn across the room, freeing herself to engage the oncoming Minotaur. The clash of Ratek's great axe against Tuurkidrax's scales sent sparks flying in the dim light. Berathi darted in and out of the fray, her daggers seeking any opening in the Minotaur's defense. Throughout the melee, Vah remained silent, his presence a reminder of the Sinister Six's deadly purpose and Kurgan's far-reaching influence.   Fouk seized his moment, nocking an arrow to his shortbow and taking careful aim at Tuurkidrax. His shot found its mark, striking the Dragonborn and momentarily throwing her off balance. The tide of battle shifted, with the Mistwatch now caught between their duty to execute the stag-killer and the need to defend against this new threat.   The Mist Watch's actions were driven by their devotion to the disgraced jungle gods Gartrin & Boria. These deities, once powerful guardians of nature, had chosen the wrong side in the devastating Black Fire War over 6,000 Years ago. Their fall from grace had left the land poisoned and corrupted, and their followers, the Reclaimers, had spent millennia trying to restore balance.   The Reclaimers as a whole had become a sad, ineffective group over the centuries, but the Mist Watch represented a resurgence of their original fervor. They were willing to take drastic action to protect what remained of the jungle's sanctity. This explained their ruthless pursuit of Thronn for killing the sacred stag, an act that to them represented a grievous assault on the very essence of the forest.   Meanwhile, miles away in the foothills of the Ironedge Mountains, a macabre ritual was taking place. Sherman, the Goliath warrior, had returned to his village carrying the lifeless body of his brother, Gherman. Their mother, the village matriarch and a formidable shaman whose powers were whispered to rival those of the ancient gods, presided over a ceremony that defied the natural order.   As the village children looked on with a mixture of awe and terror, Gherman's body was meticulously deboned and filled with grub worms. The worms, voracious in their appetite, consumed the flesh but left the skin intact. Then, through a process known only to the most esoteric practitioners of Goliath magic, the body was shrunk down to the size of a large doll.   Sherman watched, his face an impassive mask that betrayed none of the turmoil within. This was the highest honor a fallen warrior could receive in their culture - to be transformed into a meat puppet, forever bound to the world of the living. Yet as his mother breathed life back into the puppet, Sherman couldn't help but wonder at the cost of such an honor.   Back in the dungeon, Thronn struggled against his bonds, the lingering effects of the shadow viper's bite from weeks ago still hampering his abilities. Despite the intervention of the Kurnok, the crocodile cannibal tribe, their remedy had proven to be temporary. With a herculean effort, Thronn managed to snap his bonds, quickly moving to free Meat-Beak as well.   Once both were unrestrained, Thronn, still weak from the lingering poison, commanded Meat-Beak to attack Tuurkidrax. The loyal vulture dog sprang into action, its sharp beak and claws seeking vulnerable spots in the Dragonborn's armor.   As the clash of weapons and grunts of exertion filled the air, the rumbling from above grew louder, accompanied by the unmistakable sound of stone grinding against stone. Whatever was up there, it was big, and it was getting closer.   The air crackled with tension as the various factions in the room reassessed their priorities. The Mist Watch, caught between their duty to execute the stag-killer and the need to defend themselves against this new threat. The Sinister Six, determined to fulfill their evil mission for Kurgan. And Fouk and Thronn, fighting to survive and escape, their own dark intentions momentarily overshadowed by the need for survival.   As dust rained down from the ceiling and the ominous rumbling grew ever closer, one thing became clear to all present: their conflict was about to be interrupted by something far more dangerous than any of them had anticipated. The true test of survival in the merciless jungles of Nolavor was just beginning.

Rewards Granted

XP Awards:   XP TRACKER   Combat:   Fouk: 200 XP for successful ranged attacks and tactical positioning Thronn: 200 XP for breaking free from bonds and commanding Meat-Beak     Role-Playing:   Sherman: 300 XP for compelling portrayal during the Goliath ritual scene   Story Progression:   All characters: 100 XP each for advancing the plot and uncovering new lore about the Mistwatch and Nolavor's history   Total XP awarded:   Fouk: 300 XP Thronn: 300 XP Sherman: 400 XP   Notes to Transcript:   Rules for Gherman the Meat Puppet:   Gherman's consciousness in the meat puppet form is variable. At the start of each long rest, roll a d100 to determine Gherman's state:   1-15: Gherman is fully conscious and can assist Sherman 16-50: Gherman is semi-conscious, providing limited assistance 51-100: Gherman is unconscious and cannot assist         When conscious, Gherman can:   Provide advice to Sherman Attempt to use telekinesis to affect the physical world On a roll of 100, Gherman can temporarily manifest in a more physical form     Sherman must make a percentile roll every night to determine if Meat-Beak attempts to eat the Gherman puppet. On a roll of 15 or lower, Meat-Beak tries to consume the puppet. The DM will create a merit/demerit system for Gherman's assistance, where any benefits come with potential drawbacks. Sherman's relationship with the Gherman puppet:   Sherman views Gherman as a superior and will follow his commands when the puppet is conscious This dynamic may lead to interesting role-playing opportunities and potential conflicts.

Dead Gods

Fouk Shadim

Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 4
31 / 31 HP


Lawfull Evil Goliath (Outlander)
Barbarian 4
45 / 45 HP
Report Date
12 Jul 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Kanonos Region

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