The Jungle's Claw #010

General Summary

Ravus & the Capitojoppa

  Game date: 18th day of the Crow, Year 13944   Fouk Shadim and Thronn Zamda are still engaged in combat with giant wasps in the jungle near the termite mounds. The mutated Ravus is now fully transformed into a grotesque half-wasp creature after being infected by a Capitojoppa wasp in a prior encounter.
As the combat continues, the ferocious newly-arrived barbarian Gherman leaps into action. Being a local jungle dweller, Gherman has an affinity for nature and respects the termite mounds. He attempts to calm two agitated termite colonies that were stirred up by strange flammable gases seeping from small fires around their mounds. His attempt fails, angering more termites.
In the ensuing fight, the party slays three wasps, including the queen. Thronn grapples one wasp, throwing it into a nearby mound to be consumed, and Gherman grapples another wasp from midair and crushes it in his powerful jaws. Fouk lands a poisoning arrow on the wasp queen, slaying her. The mutated Ravus is paralyzed by Fouk's poisoned arrows before he can attack.   With the immediate threats neutralized, the session ends with the party regrouping. Thronn and Gherman have some familiarity as locals. Gherman reveals he was sent by his father to this region but became lost. He has great respect for nature and termites in particular.   The raging forest fires and the washed out bridge prevent passage back to the east. Despite the difficulties, the party decides to head west to find their way back to the Corpseflower Temple.

Rewards Granted

XP Awards:   Gherman - 100 XP for excellent roleplaying and affinity for nature Fouk - 50 XP for creative poison arrow use Thronn - 50 XP for attempting to hide while badly wounded 200 XP each for defeating 2 Capitojoppa wasps Treasures:   3 Giant Wasp Venom Glands (uncommon ingredient, 50 GP value each) 1 Wasp Queen Stinger (uncommon, 200 GP value) 5gp, 12sp, 8cp found on Ravus


Notes to transcript:   Develop backstories connecting Thronn and Gherman as locals   Review Gherman's barbarian abilities and bonuses while raging   Research lore on Capitojoppa wasps and their parasitic effects

Dead Gods

Fouk Shadim

Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 4
31 / 31 HP
Report Date
29 Dec 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Kanonos Region

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