Session 11: New Ship, Same Shit Report

General Summary

The group of adventurers had just set foot on The Man's Promise , a ship that they would soon call their own. But as they quickly learned, things were not going to be easy. Captain Plugg made it clear from the start that punishments on this ship would be made with the Cat, a whip with nine tails that left devastating wounds.    The group was assigned the dirtiest and most difficult jobs on the ship, like finding pigs for the Captain's meal or mopping the deck. Vivienne was struggling to locate the pigs, while Artemis Sindarin pretended not to know how to mop the deck. Magnum Opus was assigned the duty of killing rat's aboard the ship. Instead he recruited his own Rat King, named Ratscalibur, and convinced the other rats to "play dead."   As evening fell, the captain informed the crew that gambling and rum rations were now prohibited. Afterwards it was time for Bloody Hour and the captain called Vivienne up first. Unfortunately for the captain, the Cat broke without ever actually inflicting harm, except to Plugg's ego. To make matters worse, Master Scourge seems to have forgotten to bring the backup Cat when they moved over from the Wormwood. This pissed the Captain off to no end, and he retreated with his officers to the Captain's quarters. Moe Boom decided it would be a good idea to sneak into the captain's quarters and overheard a plan to sail the ship to Rickety Squibbs in Bloodcove. Unfortunately, the captain caught him and stabbed him before imprisoning him in Nyx's.   The group was furious and decided to take matters into their own hands. Moe managed to escape Nyx's and regrouped with the others just as the mutiny began. The group attacked and killed the captain and Master Scourge, his first mate, and claimed ownership of the ship. The fighting stopped almost as soon as it started as the group was extremely pissed off, and rolled extremely well. When the Captain and his first mate were defeated, the rest of the crew surrendered and fell inline. Vivenne proclaimed herself to be the new Captain, and started talking about some of the changes that she would be making. The rest of the evening, the group started to discuss what role each would have aboard the ship. Each member of the group was made an officer, and you discussed your future plans.   After much deliberation, you decided that while he was an asshole, Plugg's plan seemed to make the most sense. You decided to head towards Bloodcove, and claim the ship as yours.   For the first time in this adventure, the group was finally in control of their own destiny. But they knew that more challenges and dangers awaited them on the high seas.

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