Session 12: A Brief Diversion

General Summary

Nora Pandost pays a friend off to make an instant copy of the book, no questions asked. She also secures a Copy Quill (As made famous by the renowned professor, researcher, warrior, and diplomat Dr. Simon Twoorb).

The next day the party debriefs with Doddra d'Orien and Yupukesumera of the Portal Council. Indigo Team shares the last trip in sparatic and inconsistent detail, before Nora overrides them and gives a proper accounts. They know they are not supposed to share any details about Eberron with the places they visit, and Nora hesitates for a moment before sharing the book and the details of how they came have it. Yupukesumera says the Draconic Prophecy suggested there would be more. After a pause, Nora defiantly shares the entire story of Dimia Writingham and the book. The only details she leaves out is Ulfgar Shadowhammer's presence and the copy she's made.

Yupukesumera and Doddra are shocked at this revelation. The implications of having a definitive and proven starting point for portal travel is mind boggling. Lilmeia Garibaldi , sensing the greed rising, loudly pushes for the book to be placed immediately in the 'hidey-hole' (the safe in the secret room of which the rest of the party is unaware). The portal council members come recover. To Nora's surprise, Doddra calls in Bugdul Gular to assist Yupukesumera in locking the book up as she helps escort the party (but mostly Missed) out of the room. The party is paid 130 gp each for their fine work.

Their next assignment comes less than 24 hours later. This time they find themselves coming out in the middle of a vast ocean, with only a small island close by. A much larger landmass can be seen in the distance, but the party only has three days. It is too far to get there and back in time. The party make their way to the island and find... basically nothing. The next three days are spent more or less relaxing. Well... relaxing and collecting a menagerie. The island does not have any fresh water, but they find flora and fauna thriving. They also find a type of piranha that attempts to devour Graham White's face. Three days later the party returns with the following:

  • 4 live fish (two species, not piranhas)
  • 1 dead piranha
  • 1 boar (knocked out)
  • 1 tucan… thing… with it’s egg
  • Tree with roots

After returning from the island the party has a debrief so unimportant no one quite recalls what was said. The party now has several days of downtime, during which several of the party meet with their contacts. Ulfgar Shadowhammer gives a copy of the book to Yupukesumera, Missed gives a copy to her contact, Zeke Abd Al Rashid gives a copy to Geoffrey Boulderdown, and Graham White gives one to Brianna, a pretty young coed who needed a copy to {checks notes}... "study"?

Rewards Granted

130 gp each

Team Indigo

Graham White

Player Journals
Beach Day by Graham
Report Date
16 Jan 2023

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