Tue 31st Jan 2023 04:31

Beach Day

by Sir Graham White

This trip was very interesting. It looks like our planning is paying off. We arrived at a small island and after securing the perimeter we gathered samples of the local plant and animal life to bring back with us. It feels weird to not bring back samples of things we find at any place we go to. Zeke harvested salt which makes sense given how valuable salt was from the last place. It's good to take opportunities like this to bulk up our supplies for trade on other moons.
For some reason when we got back the council was confused as to why we'd spent so much effort gathering things. I guess some one recognized it's value since we didn't get to keep the things, instead they were sent off for additional research. oh well, the council has proven they don't think things through the way I do so I will have to continue to use all my brainpower and set a good example for them. Hopefully, they'll start doing things smarter.