Session 9: Hyper Dragons

General Summary

The party enjoys their time off. Zeke Abd Al Rashid talks to his patron, Geoffrey Boulderdown, about returning to the last dungeon to clear out the threats. The time distortions and undead make it a concern for him. Boulderdown agrees to support his plan if the rest of the party go along with it. Zeke goes to Graham White to pitch the idea, but Graham disagrees. Graham decides to leave it alone.

The party gets word to head through the portal for their next mission. They notice their summons was a bit more polite, though still not anything approaching a request. The The party has researched several new techs, so they learn the location is relatively safe and the weather is fine. They arrive in the middle of a green pasture that extends for miles in every direction. The landscape is littered with what turns out to be meteors. Investigating the meteors they find greater Siberys dragonshards. The next one, however, contains a dragon. This "hyperdragon" grows quickly and attacks immediately. Within a minute the dragon has become Huge. Nora Pandost, luckily, successfully uses Suggestion to send it away.

The party, through trial and error, discover the meteors vibrate when those containing crystals are close to those containing hyperdragons. They select 12 of the meteors and group them by type. When the portal opens, Lilmeia Garibaldi takes the recovered crystal and goes through first, followed by Graham. Upon seeing the dragonshard the The Portal Project team spring into action. They assist in moving the boulders with Graham's direction. Helna Gearwaddle uses her special foam wand to color the boulders according to type. Seven shard boulders come through, and three of the hyperdragons. After the portal closes Helna discovers the bouldersre still vibrating, risking them hatching. Facing extreme risks, Bugdul Gular orders the portal to be reopened, and sends the hyperdragons back through. The new tech only allows the portal to be reopened once, meaning they cannot return.

Meanwhile, Missed, Order, and Boulderdown go into the control room, and then into board room. Boulderdown is hesitant to reveal a secret room here, but relents. The secret door takes two hand scans to open, and that secret room has several large safes. The safes similarly require two hand scans to open. Order places the shard into an empty safe.

The shard secure, they return to the control room and see the team sending the hyperdragons back through the portal. Boulderdown is convinced to wait until the last of the boulders is on it's way back before coming down and demanding answers from Bugdul. Bugdul says he is allowed to do whatever is needed to keep the project and people safe. Boulderdown relents. 

Helna desperately wants to study the boulders herself, but Order takes possession (with Boulderdown's support). Boulderdown awards the party members 200 each for their work.

Rewards Granted

200 gp each

Team Indigo

Graham White

Player Journals
Rock Retrieval by Graham
HyperDragons! by Nora
Report Date
23 Nov 2022

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