Fri 25th Nov 2022 08:05

Rock Retrieval

by Sir Graham White

This week was quite productive. I was able to get back onto my tutoring schedule with Brienna. Though it took a bit and when I found her she acted like she was seeing a ghost. She couldn't believe I was still alive. I was able to reassure her that everything went fine on our last trip and that it wasn't anything that I or the rest of my Indio team couldn't handle. I also showed her my outfit as I thought she might be interested. Though she focused on the wrong outfits I think. She seemed to really like the stealth clothing and formal wear. We ended up spending so much time talking about what had happened that I think we forgot to go over her study materials again.
Zeke approached me with an interesting idea. He suggested that we go back and finish off the undead that we fought at the last place. While I do believe this is something we should do. I fear we are under-equipped for such an expedition right now. We would need more powerful weapons and better control over the portal. Returning for a few hours to crack some more skulls I fear won't be enough. We would need to go there and establish a base of operations in order to ensure the evil presence has been cleansed. Plus, it's going to take time to convince the council such an endeavor is necessary.
This last place we went was like something out of a dream. Giant rocks filled with magic stones and baby dragons fell from the sky. Of course we didn't know what they were at first. Mist kept watch from the sky while the rest of us investigated. It was kind of weird though, the crystal rocks wanted to mash together with the dragon rocks and both rocks would get excited when they were close to mashing together. I explained this to the others but it's like they couldn't understand. sometimes I feel like I'm the smartest person in the group.
Anyway, Nora wanted to do all kinds of weird things to the rocks to figure out what they were. But I realized that if we just put all the dragon rocks together and all the crystal rocks together away from the dragon rocks then everything would be safe.
From what I understand dragons are rare and the crystals were magic. So I thought the council would want both. One of the dragons attached and turned into an adult. Dragons are so much weirder than I thought they were. The others did recognize the type of dragon we were dealing with though. They are called Hyper-active Dragons. I guess because they get so excited as babies. But as I said, one of them hatched and Nora told it to go away and it did, mist even confirmed that it went away. It was quite impressive.
She did have a useful insight though. She realized that the crystal we broke free could be used to figure out which group of rocks were dragon rocks by how excited it got.
So we brought home as many of the rocks as we could. But I guess the portal room was too loud for the eggs. We had to be really quiet for some reason and push them back through the portal. Boulderdown was understandably upset that we couldn't keep the dragons and also said something about us not being able to go back again? It doesn't make sense to me since I was told we could always go back to the last place we went. Maybe someone lost the map that tells us how to get there?
I don't know. They really are disorganized, they can't even keep track of the magic map that tells the portal where we are going. I swear they would lose track of their own heads if they weren't attached to their bodies. We were paid for retrieving the crystals as thankfully they also realized that the rocks inside were magical.