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The House of Albellevé

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of MW
11/8/20 | Full
Supporting Cast
  • The wolf Bartholomew
    A wolf. That's it. It's just a wolf.
  • Giles Albellevé
    A well groomed younger man, with long brown hair tied back in a ponytail, brown eyes and a rather pale complexion, typical for his status as a noble. In recent years the Albellevé family has fallen from grace, as they were forced to abandon their family home during the last war between Dalmasca and The Kingdom of Five Isle - specifically Nath. The young lord has made it no small secret that as the current head of the family he feels it is his duty to restore his family to it's former glory, starting with the family home.
  • Jaune ???
    A young man with short, silver hair and wearing simple yet effective traveling gear. The handle of a sword pokes over his left shoulder which is topped by a pommel made of a blue crystal. The nails of his right hand are painted the same blue while on the left he wears a ring made of iron bands in the shape of a wolf's head
  • Rose Chase
    An incredibly pale women with black hair and red eyes, who travels under the cover of night in full combat gear hidden under her cloak. She rides a red elk and travels for "business"
  • The Winter Wolf
    The Great Wol

Scheduled Sessions

Fri 30th October 2020 11:00

A new day in a strange land

Having found a place to stay and the wolf Bartholomew, the party now decides what to do next and how to deal with the current predicament.

Sessions Archive

27th Oct 2020



Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Kostchei Bezdomny

8 / 8 HP

Kent Wise