Tales of Ereth VOL I

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Ereth
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Supporting Cast
  • Azhug Bronzehorn
    An elderly orc with a preference for academia instead of warfare. This scholarly orc keeps himself groomed and has a distaste for uncleanliness. With his bispectacled glasses, Azhug can usually always be found with either a book or quill in his hands. Knowledge is his one goal in life.
  • Brendill Hammerhand
    Young and tenacious, Brendill is a brilliant healer, capable of both treating the wounded dwarven soldiers on the battlefield and using her warhammer with extreme efficiency. With her red hair shaved on one side and braided on the other, she is easily distinguishable in the heat of battle. Her eyes are a gentle green and she has a sweet freckled face. She is no coddler and is quick to berate soldiers for reckless actions, she has limited power and doesn't want to waste it on the foolishness of prideful dwarves. Armed with her qoprite forged shield, hammer, and armour, she is a presence on the battlefield and a hero amongst the dwarves of Noladuhr.
  • Ra'jirra
    Cunning, suave, and deadly. Ra'jirra maintains a cool demeanour, preferring to use her charm and wits to resolve situations over her blade. However, if needed, Ra'jirra is a formidable duellist. She wears dark attire, both into combat and for leisure and she moves with grace and poise, almost as if she is gliding across the room.
  • Zebidiah Reyson
    One of the four Pirate Lords of Sidra, Zebidiah holds himself like any nobleman would. He has dark shoulder length hair and wears a brown coat over a low cut shirt. A mysterious bauble hangs from a chain on his neck, a pearl like object. His cutlass marks him as a man of power; rubies line the golden hilt, but his most notable feature are his red eyes; piercing and vibrant during the day but emanate an almost dark power from them at night.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Last of his name Thraka Ironfist

8 / 8 HP

Darnoc Sinorok

Sabrae Durand

Beau Broadstone

Giant Freak Arch Broadstone

Riley Weltner

Chaotic Neutral Human (Heart of Darkness)
Druid 6
24 / 24 HP

Briala Henrietta Aritari Marsies

Ilythyrria Moonbreeze