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Session 11 - Immortality... of a Sort

General Summary

  • The Radiants return to the camps of the Zunthr and Hundri to find that they have moved (slightly) closer together and seem to be intermingling socially much more than they were before
  • On returning to the lean-to that is housing Olen, they find Trinn still tending to the wound. Olen appears to have gotten neither worse, nor better
  • Trinn, on seeing the shard, asks for the Radiants to hand it over so that he may make use of it. Despite asking for the party to leave, Garth remains in the tent
  • Abek hands the green shard to Trinn, the red to Olen, then proceeds to build and stoke a large flame in the lean-to. Trinn concentrates, and both shards light up with an inner light.
  • Trinn and Olen appear to become Radiant, and slowly Olen's wound heals.
  • Olen wakes up shortly after, commenting "It took you long enough"
  • After some confusion, Olen and Trinn explain that they are also Radiant, that they are older than they appear by several generations. When pressed on why or how they became Radiant, they mention that they failed in their task to protect the god shards, and for that reason they were lost
  • Olen will elaborate that they had to make a choice, one that forced their hand: they either abandon humanity and protect the shards, or they protect humanity and the shards will be lost
  • During the conversation, the gods within the shards will finally speak, naming themselves Dromast (red shard) and Elwin (green shard), and lending credence to the words of Olen and Trinn. They will also express confusion over the existence of the Derash, stating that there were only supposed to be four tribes
  • They will also briefly interject that the separation of the Hundri and Zunthr was caused in part due to the loss of the shards, but that reunification is necessary to ensure that humanity can stand against the coming threat of The Mire
  • They will also comment that if people are coming back from the dead, such as Barleth, stating that this is a sign of things to come
  • Despite Garth's disdain, Olen and Trinn assert that they did the right thing. They asked that the Radiants find the remaining shards while they work to gather the other tribes together. They plan to meet at the base of Talin Peak, where The Gathering takes place
  • The Radiants depart for the third shard, which is embedded somewhere in Derashi territory

Report Date
22 Jan 2022

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