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Session 2: Questions and Non-Answers Report

General Summary

The party began on the road, traveling to the home of one Corshad Dummon within The Garden Grounds district of Deastok. After arriving at the sizable residence, the party was offered a job: information about the dragon in exchange for money, and an additional reward - especially for Marya Silverstring - if they could get a scale. The party accepted the deal and headed out. They were given a pouch of 50 gp.   Meanwhile, at The Drunken Dragon, Alvyn Nackle arrived back to a party celebrating the dragon and to find that the new customers of the tavern had been told that the heroes of the night were staying there. He shrugged off their congratulations and headed up to his room to get the report on events from Sia. While in there, he met Magnolia Petalpool, who appeared out of nowhere after apparently following him back; Marya would probably learn later that she'd separated from Marya in the chaos and followed the first person she recognized when he was leaving.   The rest of the party arrived back at the tavern afterward, pushing through the excited crowd and promising to return later. They divvied up the money - 8gp each plus 2gp party gold - and discussed future plans. Carson Cressbruck and Magnolia had a bit of an awkward interaction where she tried to take one of the "extra" gold pieces and gave him a crown of flowers as payment but Carson took the gold back. The party also met Sia and K'van at the time. A few of the party members went back down to the party; Sebastian Barromite negotiated free nights of stay for the group, Marya got some food and enjoyed the festivities, and Dalmir Blackanvil made a couple of personal connections before playing a code-song to attract attention. He spoke with a woman behind the tavern and was informed that she wasn't sure she could trust him given what happened in Zadash but that she'd organize a meeting if he played in the tavern again on a subsequent night.   The party headed out to check on the circus, in the process receiving a business card for Idelia's Imperfections in Zadash from a construct. Arriving at the circus, they noticed someone who seemed not interested in talking to them as well as a pair of friendly faces; naturally, they went to talk to the least friendly person first. The party met Dominik and learned that he seemed to be quite a good liar in addition to a bit of mostly-truth about the dragon: they'd convinced it that its best interests were in staying with the circus and performing. In addition, Madame Krishana left the night before and hadn't been seen since, but apparently this was normal for her after bad nights. Meanwhile, Nim examined the cage on the inside of the mostly-standing tent, discovering that it wasn't of magical nature and didn't show many signs of struggle, though he found it hard to make too clear of a call on what had happened given his lack of knowledge about the situation.   After that awkward conversation, they headed over to speak with Nashtai and Armelle, the human girl who Carson had saved the night before. Armelle thanked Carson a bit over-enthusiastically. Nashtai had some information to provide; she advised them that Madame Krishana's leadership wasn't ideal in many ways and that this wasn't the first time she'd gone missing after a rough night. She sent a certain message to Carson in a subtle way as well. In addition, she revealed that she wasn't from Wildemount originally. She seemed to share a look with Dominik before coming to some sort of conclusion but she advised the party that Dominik and Madame Krishana were two of the only people who'd both participated in the dragon's capture and survived the last night's events. Melech Lavant attended to Armelle's wounds fairly well; Armelle tried and failed to flirt quite awkwardly.   The party then regrouped to discuss next steps and share knowledge. They knew that the dragon had been presumably peaceably transferred to the metal cage before the show. Carson theorized that Dominik likely knew where Madame Krishana was and was planning on making a report. The group discussed various ways of attempting to trail him, opting to send Sia (Nim's familiar) alongside Carson, but to check out the wagons first. They approached the wagons, Melech beginning to investigate just as a large, exceptionally muscular Goliath man stepped out to inquire as to what they were doing with the wagons.

Rewards Granted

The party negotiated free lodging for the next couple nights at The Drunken Dragon.   The party received 50gp from Corshad Dummon.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party accepted a quest from Corshad Dummon to retrieve any information about the dragon they could find for pay as well as a dragon scale for extra rewards.

Character(s) interacted with

The party met with Corshad Dummon who apparently "runs Deastok."   The whole party met Sia, K'van, and Magnolia Petalpool at last.   The party interrogated a very uncooperative Dominik, a half-elven man who'd been around at the dragon's capture.   The party spoke with Nashtai and Armelle, a human woman, learning a bunch of info about the circus and building a bit of rapport.

Lia's Thursday Game

Melech Lavant


Sebastian Barromite

Player Journals
An interesting proposal and the hunt for a "dragon" by Marya
Report Date
09 Oct 2020
Primary Location

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