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Thu 8th Oct 2020 09:19

An interesting proposal and the hunt for a "dragon"

by Marya Silverstring

And we start in the garden grounds, on our way to the one who runs the city
We arrive in front of a pretty nice and big house
There's an older man with white hair and a pretty neat mustache and ornamental armor
Introduces himself as: Corshad Dummon
Infos about him:
Not interacted personally, or at max 1-2 times
Head of local Myriad operations
Cold, calculating sort of person, though not cruel
Overpromising, underdelivering reputation
Probably gonna remind him of me at the end
He wants to make us an offer, since we helped the city and some of his own
Then he pulls out a sack of coins
That's meant as good faith payment
Carson tries to reach for it as well
Dummon wants as much information as he can about this dragon thing
Though we don't have to capture it
He mostly wants knowledge... that sounds decently suspicious
He wants a scale o.o'
And it could rid me of my debt to the Myriad, so that would be preeeeeetty neat
First contact with that thing almost killed me though
But it was also a pretty great thrill
If we run into any trouble, we can tell the guards or whoever, that "we're making a delivery for our uncle Wade"
We can talk to him here if we need to
Otherwise we can talk to the circus, since they probably know about that stuff
And then we finally decide to go back to the inn
Back at the inn, people are cheering for us and try to pull us into a party as "heroes"
And I push Carson to split the money already and I won't leave him alone before that
So 8gp for each person, 2gp spare in the group
And damn he's defensive about this money stuff
Definitely gonna be careful about him and money
And suddenly there's a weird red winged creature o.o'
It has horns looking like trees and flowers on his head
It's called K'van
Also Magnolia is back here again!
Also there's another creature like K'van, in purple called "Sia"
And Carson is pretty mean with Magnolia, well he's a spoilsport after all (just because of 1gp)
Down in the barroom I manage to get some extra food for the next day as well as for today
The pie is actually pretty neat, so called "dragon pies" with sweet/spicy sauce
Dalmir also sings a song in the barroom about freedom and a good ruler and stuff... well as long as he's happy with it he should do whatever he wants
He also played the lute, which was pretty surprising
Then sleepy time <3
Also Magnolia is as convinced as me, that Carson is a spoilsport
The next morning the halflings managing the inn are sleeping down in the barroom and kitchen
So Nim goes for doing breakfast
We talk about the circus and our plan of action
Then it's breakfast time!
Then we talk and talk and talk instead of going to the circus
While going to the circus we see something weird
There's something like a human child/weird doll pushing a cart towards us
Seems some weird doll construct made by a mage o.o''
Melech seems to have seen them before
Then the thing comes up to us and gives Melech a business card
Idealia's Imperfections - Handcrafted Magical Wares - Zadash
So yeah, onwards to the circus!
We find a pretty dismissive guy
After a little intimidation he tells us, that madame Krishana usually leaves for a few days after shit goes down
The creature communicates via it's mind
It can summon some kind of creature
They talked it into believing that their interests align and it joined them willingly
That sure sounds weird thinking on how it reacted
Maybe Madame Krishana used magic to charm/dominate it or something?
They said they'd introduce it to new friends and show it the road
Damn this guy is a pain in the ass~
He's called Dominik
And the creature was super nice and tame before
They came across it the road north, it came from the west, in the way of Zadash
It was a little off the side of the road
He also said that it's a bad idea to use magic on a dragon... well....
I still offer them help for taking down the tent
Then the group splits a little
Carson and Melech go talking to some of the people
Dalmir and Nim are in the tent
That leaves Sebastian and me outside
Sebastian seems to be working in a similar line of work as me, neat!
Though he doesn't seem to have high interest on jumping ship
I extend the offer to introduce him anyway and also mention that I'm interested in working together if something interesting comes up
Anyway, Carson pulls us aside and tells us, that they're holding back info on us
And that Dominik seems to know where this Madame is~
So we're thinking about how we could best follow him
Melech, Sebastian and Nim go to the wagons
Meanwhile Carson and me consider going around a little and then stealthing back to have an eye on Dominik and follow them

Continue reading...

  1. And so a wild ride began
  2. From rogues, twigs and wolves
  3. Traveling time with Dalmir
  4. It started in a tavern and ended in circus madness
  5. An interesting proposal and the hunt for a "dragon"
  6. Catfights, dead ends and new leads
  7. Hungry wolves and nightly talks
  8. It all could've been resolved with a simple negotiation
  9. Saving a dragon and loads of secrets~
  10. Even more secrets and saving a life thought lost
  11. Finally free
  12. A new fey adventurer, giant bugs and ash zombies
  13. Some little tunnel crawling time
  14. And some more tunnel crawling with big crawlies
  15. Big guys with a big sword
  16. A big fight, getting out of the mines and a goodbye
  17. Sticks and stones may break your bones
  18. Tales of thirsty trees and predatory priests
  19. A quick getaway from a Vecna priests lair
  20. Zadash, city of light, city of magic
  21. Invisible stalkers, planning and magical stuff!
  22. Creepy kids and political intrigue
  23. Zadash, city of coincidences
  24. Now shit is personal - for Melech
  25. Way too much crap going on and more coincidences
  26. Two more people and a funeral
  27. Loads of planning and talking stuff
  28. Meeting Zintris' mom and an almost makeover
  29. We get ourselves a spy
  30. Relocating families and a pet assassin
  31. A relaxed evening in the city that loathes halflings
  32. Meeting a queen in her pjs
  33. Luxon stuff and a decent bit of shopping
  34. Lots and lots of talking
  35. Preparations and talks~
    16th Sydenstar?
  36. Clapping zombies
    16th Sydenstar?
  37. More zombie clapping
  38. Zombies, insects and pie
  39. More insects, saving lives and worm
  40. Just talking to military people
  41. Uhm yeah
  42. On the road again~
  43. Preparation time
  44. Before we go into the belly of beast~
  45. Into the belly of the city
  46. Loads of bugs and a couple of kids
  47. Some more city crawling
  48. Setup for a chase
  49. Escaping forward
  50. Exterminating otherworldlies
  51. Finally a second to relax
  52. Just some decompressing time
  53. We're back!
  54. Back again again
  55. Buggy buggers again
  56. Another dragon deal?
  57. The mercenary pirate place
  58. Aaand out of the city~