Session 1: Targos and Termalaine

General Summary

After purchasing supplies, our heroes set off for Targos in pursuit of Torg's and the Ice Knife Killer.   Upon arriving in Targos, the party secured rooms The Luskan Arms from the taciturn owner Owenn Tarsenel, and were directed to Three Flags Sailing as a place to find out more about local happenings.   The welcome at Three Flags Sailing was a lot more cordial, with "Ma" plying the party with gumbo. Much gumbo was eaten. It becomes clear that Torg's was in town a few days ago, but has since moved on - no one seems to know (or care) where they were headed next. Having decided that Termalaine is the most likely next stopping point, the party inquires about places to stay. Ma directs them to The Blue Clam and it's owner Vernon Braig, who also "does a good gumbo."   As they get ready to leave, the party is "requested" to speak with Skath, who is holding court in the corner of the bar - feet up on the table. Skath asks what they're doing in town and warns them not to misbehave; the party gives little away.   Next day, we set off for Termalaine, which turns out to be a more welcoming place than Targos was. While heading towards The Blue Clam, the party encounters Darmo Mazlu, a boy whose job appears to be shouting out the news in the market square. He's shouting about "Monsters in the mine!" and directs the party to talk with Speaker Masthew if they're interested in looking into it. He also says that Torg's hasn't been seen in town for several weeks and that they can find good lodgings at The Eastside.   The party goes to see Speaker Masthew and hears that a group of Kobolds scared away the miners and that he's offering a reward of 50gp to anyone who can clear the mine so that they can return to work. He implies that the town militia is being less than cooperative with him. He also confirms that Torg's has not been in town lately.   A visit to The Blue Clam is pleasant. Vernon offers more than just gumbo and has some very nice venison on at the moment. It seems he employs or works with some trappers from Lonelywood to ensure a regular supply of fresh meat and game. The party speaks with some miners about the situation, and they confirm that they were run out by a group of kobolds. They also warn about the dangers of the deep central shaft and that one of their number went missing a few days ago - they presume he fell down the shaft.   They also overheard some gossip to the effect that the Speaker of Caer-Dineval hasn't been seen in public lately, some say that he's sick, but that odd figures have been seen coming and going at odd hours. Also, Caer-Konig apparently has a problem with "invisible thieves."   The party acquire a room (more of a house really) at The Eastside, which is run by a young girl called Marta Peskryk. After an uneventful evening, our heroes head off to clear out the mine...  

The Mine at Termalaine

  Our heroes make the short journey to the mine outside of town. Outside they find an elegantly calligraphed sign saying "Kobolds Only." Entering the mine, the party explores several chambers. There is plenty of evidence that miners left in a hurry, but no sign of the kobolds. One chamber with a hot underground spring running through it is home to two giant rats. The party dispatch one rat but let the other live as it was only defending its territory. Continuing on, we enter the central shaft leading down into the Underdark. The party crosses a narrow, rickety-looking, but otherwise, sturdy walkway to find a bucket lift down to the next level.   After descending, the party follows a lone set of dusty footprints into a chamber where they just end. With no evidence of who created them. Baradin spots a creature floating close to the ceiling, but as it is not immediately aggressive, the party decides to leave it alone while they continue exploring. Retracing their steps back to the lift, they start to explore the other direction. Shest, scouting ahead, spies two kobolds intent on spearing a giant rat for their lunch. Before the party can approach the kobolds there is a shout from Lirin, who was bringing up the rear. The creature the party spotted previously, a grell, has followed them and taken this opportunity for a surprise attack! Lirin is temporarily lifted off the ground by the grell's tentacles and paralyzed. Baradin and Shest leap into action, freeing Lirin (who recovers quickly), and between them, they manage to defeat the creature.   Returning to the kobolds, we find the room abandoned. It seems the noise of the battle with the grell has scared the kobolds off. Fearing an ambush, the party proceeds with caution. Rightly as it turns out, they are soon attacked by two kobolds, who proved to be no match for our heroes and are swiftly killed.   To be continued...

Character(s) interacted with


Owenn Tarsenel Ethen Yarbroul  Skath   


Darmo Mazlu  Oarus Masthew  Vernon Braig  Marta Peskryk

Rime of the Frostmaiden
Player Journals
A wretched hive of scum and villainy by Shest
Minor Miner Misfortune by Shest
Report Date
15 Oct 2022
Primary Location
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