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Sun 20th Nov 2022 04:47

Minor Miner Misfortune

by Shest

Glad to be out of Targos, Termalaine seems like a much friendlier place in general but not without it's own fair share of troubles.
When we reached the market square in town we encountered a kid named Darmo acting as a town crier - super helpful kid that gave us a bunch of information...

  • Torg's hadn't been in town for over a month, seems like they must've gone to Bremen or left the roads entirely.

  • The local mine had been shut down due to an outbreak of monsters, Speaker Masthew was offering a reward.

  • Lodging could be found at a place called Eastside - shockingly enough on the east side of town.

  • Since Torg's was nowhere to be found the priority became dealing with the situation at the mine to earn a little money. Speaker Masthew clarified that the monsters in question were a group of kobold that had driven off the miners, he offered us fifty gold if we could clear the mines. He also mentioned some issues with the local militia and when pressed he shared his suspicions that Skath might be bribing or maybe threatening some of the miliitia - nothing overt just not really following orders and generally making Masthew's job more difficult. One more reason we need to deal with Skath when we can.
    It was too late to practically head out to the mines so we stopped by the Blue Clam (decent gumbo but nothing on Ma's) and confirmed some of the details before heading here to acquire lodgings (odd place, houses connected by tunnels).
    Off to the mine in the morning!