Abrosia Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Abrosia
18/07/22 | Full


  • Eclayora
Supporting Cast
  • Aeneas
    A suspicious ex-court mage that the party rescued from Grelt Keep
  • Alaion Caesilea
    The wizard you've bullied into meeting with you once a month.
  • Thryan Rosserk
    The party's sort of kidnapped temporarily resident rogue.

Scheduled Sessions

Mon 2nd October 2023 21:30

Session 36: Building Reputations

Alecto and Sprig have been called on, why? Who will you befriend next?

Sessions Archive

25th Sep 2023

Session 35: The End of the Tournament

Who will go far?

18th Sep 2023

Session 34: The Friday Fighting Tournament

The party are about to attempt to join the Fighter's Guild. How will they fare against their friendly foes?

4th Sep 2023

Session 33: Scouting Out Allies

Time to start getting your foot in the door of the city. Where will you go? Who will you befriend?

21st Aug 2023

Session 32: Heading Back

The group turns back to the city with their spoils.

14th Aug 2023

Session 31: Into the Thick of it!

The party start this session mid fight with a contingent of Mage Hunters to free an innocent (?) man.

7th Aug 2023

Session 30: To the Other Forest!

The party must cross the river to get to the Western Woods for the plants they seek.

1st Aug 2023

Session 29: The Maze of Steel

An impromptu combat and fresh bonding with the new team mate.

26th Jun 2023

Session 28: The Laughing Hawks

You found some old friends...

19th Jun 2023

Session 27: Plant Search

Learning you need a special plant to hide your gear you head out into the wild beyond the walls...

10th Apr 2023

Session 26: The Start of Something New

Its time to set up in this city and start making friends.

3rd Apr 2023

Session 25: A Whole New Country

Time to go somewhere new!

20th Mar 2023

Session 24: Back to the Pilgrimmage

You finally have your party back together, its time now to get on with your plans.

13th Mar 2023

Session 23: Alecto!

You've found her. Now you have to get her back.

6th Mar 2023

Session 22: Getting Closer

Drostre is stressed, the group is on the search for answers and Ash is...napping?

23rd Feb 2023

Session 21: Following the Leads

You have leads to follow. Do that.

13th Feb 2023

Session 20: The Danger Zone

You have created your own minefield. Have fun navigating it!

Read the Report
6th Feb 2023

Session 19: The Search Goes on...

To get your leads you're going to have to play the game of interpersonal politics. Have fun!

Read the Report
23rd Jan 2023

Session 18: Alecto is Missing

And you are searching. Well done guys.

Read the Report
16th Jan 2023

Session 17: Where's Alecto?

Alecto's gone. Where? Who knows? You didn't ask...

Read the Report
12th Dec 2022

Session 16: Puzzling

The party attempt to puzzle out the riddles left in the keep.

Read the Report
28th Nov 2022

Session 15: Keep Keep

Read the Report
21st Nov 2022

Session 14: Keep Calm and Carry On

Demon fight time

Read the Report
14th Nov 2022

Session 13: Keep Going

The party have reached the second floor, what will they find there? Will they make it down to the basement?

Read the Report
7th Nov 2022

Session 12: Deep in the Keep

The party are about to rest in the abandoned keep. Will they survive the night?

Read the Report
31st Oct 2022

Session 11: Halloween Special

Its spooky keep time fuckers!

Read the Report
24th Oct 2022

Session 10: Tentaught

The group are let loose in the city to resupply.

Read the Report
3rd Oct 2022

Session 9: To the city!

The collective group have survived the slaadi, now they must get their reward?

Read the Report
26th Sep 2022

Session 8: On the Trail

The party, the Bar Burners and Thryan are on the trail of the slaadi terrorising the area. Will they find them? Will they all survive?

Read the Report
19th Sep 2022

Session 7: Slaad Hunting

Hunting some slaads innit

Read the Report
5th Sep 2022

Session 6: ACTUALLY Reaching the Peak

What will the group find at the top of the tower?

Read the Report
29th Aug 2022

Session 5: (Almost) Reaching the Peak

The group are getting close to reaching their goal of the top of the tower. What will happen when they get there?

Read the Report
22nd Aug 2022

Session 4: Inside the Mumbling Tower

The group has stepped out into a misty forest. What threats could there be? Will they ever get to the peak?

Read the Report
15th Aug 2022

Session 3: Back in Lakeside

Our adventurers return to town ready to collect their bounty before moving on. Surely it will go smoothly, right?

Read the Report
1st Aug 2022

Session 2: The Hunt is on

The party prepares to track down their quarry in the Motionless Mire...

Read the Report
25th Jul 2022

Session 1: New Beginnings

Welcome to Lakeside! Whatever reason you have for being here I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time...

Read the Report
18th Jul 2022

Session 0: Getting Started

The gods of this world are all once mortals. They can be overthrown and have been in the past. The current gods, once celebrated heroes, have grown complacent with their place and have turned to causing the problems they once solved. You’re starting to think it’s time for a change…

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Sprig Silvertoung

None Warforged (Hermit)
Druid 5
38 / 38 HP

Ashley Benatar

Alecto Ocreata

Chaotic Good Tiefling (Haunted One)
Druid 2
Cleric 5
52 / 52 HP

Bharash Marux
